National Meeting in April Cancelled


National Meeting in April cancelled! We were told in the home office Friday to not prepare trainings for this meeting. You think your nervous in the field we are on pins in needles in Cambridge too


National Meeting in April cancelled! We were told in the home office Friday to not prepare trainings for this meeting. You think your nervous in the field we are on pins in needles in Cambridge too

Next Town Hall...unite and wave your Sage straws in the air. We in the field will then know it’s time for the rebellion to begin.

Then, someone who is resigning anyway...storm the stage, take the mic, flip a table, something fun. Tear down the new logo and run away, screaming this is not Sage...and exit stage right yelling Ffffrrreeeeedddddooommm (Braveheart style).


This would be amazing. Also amazing would be people asking the tough questions when they “open it up for questions” instead of the usual “Thanks so much for having this call, bla bla bla do you know if we’re looking into doing teleconference speaker programs? Getting this new marketing piece? Looking into doing this different at Sage Central?” Barf! Cut the crap people- ask these people the real question like “Will we have jobs? How the hell are you gunna keep this life boat floating until 217? Are you looking to sell?” This is what people want to know! There were only like 2 real questions on the last town hall. Pathetic! No softball questions please! Obviously they cannot answer some of the tough stuff- but they should still be asked. They make tons of money and need to be accountable to everyone else who works here!

Next Town Hall...unite and wave your Sage straws in the air. We in the field will then know it’s time for the rebellion to begin.

Then, someone who is resigning anyway...storm the stage, take the mic, flip a table, something fun. Tear down the new logo and run away, screaming this is not Sage...and exit stage right yelling Ffffrrreeeeedddddooommm (Braveheart style).

This made my day LOL!!

This is PLANNED but not a lock; data on coronavirus will be ultimate deciding factor; drop dead date (no pun intended) is 3/9/20

Why have a meeting when there’s Zoom? And Skype? Such a waste. Just send an e-mail.

Not to mention that no one will be there due already arranged spring travel. Oh and mass resignations.

Why have a meeting when there’s Zoom? And Skype? Such a waste. Just send an e-mail.

Not to mention that no one will be there due already arranged spring travel. Oh and mass resignations.
Those who ARE committed and on board will be available for a great meeting. Toe you will need to be flexible; the 3/9 date is the line in the sand for us.

Latest I’m hearing is most of the training group has resigned. Hard to have a meeting with no money, no content, no trainers. Here’s to hoping rumors of no meeting are true.

We have been told that there is no national meeting by our RBD. The latest we heard is that there may be a meeting in late April with a couple of areas together, so 2 separate meetings. Perhaps this will still happen, as there will be about 10 people per area by then at the rate they’re losing people. Cheers.

Guess we won’t see you in Orlando, fired troll !! Please post on another site.

You're a pinhead. There is no National Meeting A-hole. Everyone knows that. Possibly a regional meeting but as others have just said, these will be very small low-cost, cheap meetings. Many more employees will be quitting soon.