National Conference Call This Week


i haven't seen any info on a conference call. This sounds bogus to me! What's the source of this claim we are having a national conference call and that there will be more cuts?

It would be SO Nice to have some transparency at the leadership level

So far all that's being retained at mgt and Especially HSBS level are political fav's and quota necessaries. I mean WOW there are some LOSER managers being retained.

There are some serious losers being retained. Cough and cold, coaches, and used car salesman!
July 1st will introduce the new loser level maybe even new cards will say
"Crotch rot Lynnesy"
Therapeutic Business:
"I sell drugs M%%#F#^#r"

Wow this place use to provide value through innovation Now it's keep you with intimidation------ mic drop for the millennial folks haha

Seriously not the BIPI that I used to know they are keeping people who will drive business into the ground
The professional level has been taken back 5!_years based on decisions in our region
Good Luck with all the others