National Cancer Institute Says Marie Huber's Provenge Immunodepletion Theory is Bogus


Remember Marie Huber's media blitz making the bogus claim that Provenge's survival benefit in clinical trials was caused by the apheresis treatment harming placebo patients. Well now the National Cancer Institute is calling Marie Huber's "medical research" completely Bogus. How many prostate cancer patients died prematurely due to her hedgefund sponsored anti-provenge media campaign{9B2D28E7-24A0-466F-A3C9-07C21F6E9BC9}

Presentation Title:

Impact of apheresis (Aph) on number and function of lymphocytes in cancer patients (pts) Presentation Time: Monday, Apr 08, 2013, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Location: Hall A-C, Poster Section 5

Presentation Title:

Impact of apheresis (Aph) on number and function of lymphocytes in cancer patients (pts)

Author Block:

James L. Gulley, Christopher R. Heery, Seth Steinberg, Jenn Marte, Ravi A. Madan, Jeffrey Schlom. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

Abstract Body:

It has been suggested that Aph, used for Sipuleucel-T, may negatively affect the OS of cancer pts by removing circulating lymphocytes and diminishing host immunity. We explored data from prior clinical trials in which pts had Aph or simple phlebotomy for evidence to support or contradict this.

We examined data from cancer pts on clinical trials who had Aph (n=64) or only peripheral blood draws (n=90) as controls for immune analysis. ......

....These findings supported the statistical analysis, which identified no consistently positive or negative change in pts who received Aph.

This analysis indicates there is no difference in the number and function of immune cells post Aph in cancer pts. This data provides evidence that Aph inflicts negligible effects on a pts immune system, rejecting the hypothesis that pts immune competence is impacted by the procedure in a meaningful way.

Re: National Cancer Institute Says Marie Huber's Provenge Immunodepletion Theory is B

Marie Huber was prosecuted by the SEC for making false and malicious statements about Dendreon and Provenge and then trying to profit from those false and malicious statements (sounds very familiar):

Under SEC Enforcement:

Misrepresentation: In the Matter of Marie L. Huber, Adm. Proc. File No. 3-15629 (Nov. 27, 2013) is a proceeding which names as Respondents, Marie Huber, an analyst at Hedge Fund A, and Jess Jones, an analyst at Hedge Fund B. The proceeding centers on statements made regarding the cancer drug Provenge, a product of Dendreon Corporation. On April 29, 2010 the FDA approved the use of Provenge for late state prostate cancer. Ms. Huber did an analysis of the drug and concluded that it kills. She prepared a draft report which was shared with her fund, Mr. Jones and others. Ms. Huber then purchased out of the money Dendreon put options. Although she urged her employer to release the draft, the firm did not. Subsequently, the Responents prepared distributed the report to several hundred people including those in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. The report was distributed through a gmail account in the name of Jonathan White. It was signed by “A concerned physician, scientist and citizen.” Following distribution on the evening of July 14, 2010 the share price dropped, closing down on July 15 by 7.2%. That day Ms. Huber sold part of her option holdings but still suffered significant trading losses because most of her positions remained unsold or unexercised since they were so far out of the money. Ms. Huber later told her employer there had been a “leak” of the report. The Order claims that the signature on the e-mails was a false statement. It alleges a violation of Securities Act Section 17(a)(2). To resolve the proceeding each Respondent consented to the entry of a cease and desist order based on the Section cited in the Order. In addition, each Respondent will pay a fine of $25,000.

Re: National Cancer Institute Says Marie Huber's Provenge Immunodepletion Theory is B

She did a terrible thing. Now lets move on from that for a minute.

Dendreon is still being investigated by the feds according to their latest 10Q. Whatever Marie Huber did is really just a speck of dust compared to what Mitch Gold did.

Why won't you ever talk about the negatives surrounding Dendreon and the continuing investigation of Dendreon and how Mitch Gold's activities hurt the company to this very day millions of times more than some idiotic hedge fund report. Is it possible it is because Mitch Gold worked for Dendreon at the time of his activities and you are a staunch advocate for Dendreon?

Hoping for a serious reply without name calling.

Re: National Cancer Institute Says Marie Huber's Provenge Immunodepletion Theory is B

Marie Huber was prosecuted by the SEC for making false and malicious statements about Dendreon and Provenge and then trying to profit from those false and malicious statements (sounds very familiar):

Under SEC Enforcement:

Misrepresentation: In the Matter of Marie L. Huber, Adm. Proc. File No. 3-15629 (Nov. 27, 2013) is a proceeding which names as Respondents, Marie Huber, an analyst at Hedge Fund A, and Jess Jones, an analyst at Hedge Fund B. The proceeding centers on statements made regarding the cancer drug Provenge, a product of Dendreon Corporation. On April 29, 2010 the FDA approved the use of Provenge for late state prostate cancer. Ms. Huber did an analysis of the drug and concluded that it kills. She prepared a draft report which was shared with her fund, Mr. Jones and others. Ms. Huber then purchased out of the money Dendreon put options. Although she urged her employer to release the draft, the firm did not. Subsequently, the Responents prepared distributed the report to several hundred people including those in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. The report was distributed through a gmail account in the name of Jonathan White. It was signed by “A concerned physician, scientist and citizen.” Following distribution on the evening of July 14, 2010 the share price dropped, closing down on July 15 by 7.2%. That day Ms. Huber sold part of her option holdings but still suffered significant trading losses because most of her positions remained unsold or unexercised since they were so far out of the money. Ms. Huber later told her employer there had been a “leak” of the report. The Order claims that the signature on the e-mails was a false statement. It alleges a violation of Securities Act Section 17(a)(2). To resolve the proceeding each Respondent consented to the entry of a cease and desist order based on the Section cited in the Order. In addition, each Respondent will pay a fine of $25,000.

Here is the actual 11/27/13 SEC Criminal Complaint regarding Marie Huber for her fraudulent activities against Dendreon. Where have I seen similar crimes before?

Re: National Cancer Institute Says Marie Huber's Provenge Immunodepletion Theory is B

Here is the actual 11/27/13 SEC Criminal Complaint regarding Marie Huber for her fraudulent activities against Dendreon. Where have I seen similar crimes before?

Very interesting read. The lengths people will go to to try and derail a cancer therapy and profit from it. I see the same pathetic scam perpetuated right here on a daily basis.