

Can anyone give advice on Natera as a company to work for, corporate culture, success of testing portfolio in the market? I've done some homework but am grateful if anyone has anything to add. I'm about to interview with them. Thanks...

Company Culture- If you are part of the in crowd, you are all set. If not it can be a rough and short ride on the pony. As far as products go- Panorama has features other NIPT's do not have, but competitors has features Panorama doesnt, so basically a wash. If you have good relationships with OB's you will do fine. Carrier Screening is not one of the better ones on the market.

The culture here is like that of any other Lab in that if you sell, you are fine. Numbers here tend to overshadow poor representatives. You can be a horrible counterpart, you can drop the ball administratively, you can screw up established accounts and more, but if you are hitting your goal, you are fine.

The products are solid. Panorama (NIPT) has better science as demonstrated by Boston MFM trial and it has some different offerings. Horizon (Carrier Screening) is ok, but has nothing truly special and has had turn around time issues. It is a relationship sell in small practices and a contract sell in large institutions. Anora (POC) is a great product with tremendous advantages over competitors, but volume is generally lower and infrequent.

Overall, it is a solid place, but our future is uncertain as to IPO or someone buying us. If you are coming over here, get everything you can up front in base and stock. Make sure you can work for your manager and do some research with the OB/GYN doctors that you know. If you do not have previous experience in OB/GYN, it is a tough company to cut your teeth in. Very few have been successful.

"...better science as proven in the Boston MFM Trial"

Reporting fetal fraction in non-pregnant female =! Better science
Poor performance without a paternal sample =! Better science
SNP Based NIPT =! Better science

Keep drinkin' that kool-aid though, with Quest and Progenity dropping Pano after poor performance and long turnaround, I guess that's all you can do to retain any glimmer of hope Natera has to hold onto within the NIPT space.


Nice try Harmony Boy.

"Reporting fetal fraction in non-pregnant female =! Better science
Poor performance without a paternal sample =! Better science
SNP Based NIPT =! Better science"

If you understand the true science behind SNP technology there is a reason for the 0.60% of fetal/placental DNA that was detected. It is an initial baseline start to differentiate the initial patterns in the plasma sample and the buffy coat sample to ensure that we are truly identifying only maternal DNA.

Paternal sample is only needed on redraws and women with high BMI. If you worked here you would know that.

MPSS and Your fckd up science of targeted sequencing both suck....and you use SNPs to establish Fetal Fraction.

Go troll on your own board.

Nice try Harmony Boy.

"Reporting fetal fraction in non-pregnant female =! Better science
Poor performance without a paternal sample =! Better science
SNP Based NIPT =! Better science"

If you understand the true science behind SNP technology there is a reason for the 0.60% of fetal/placental DNA that was detected. It is an initial baseline start to differentiate the initial patterns in the plasma sample and the buffy coat sample to ensure that we are truly identifying only maternal DNA.

Paternal sample is only needed on redraws and women with high BMI. If you worked here you would know that.

MPSS and Your fckd up science of targeted sequencing both suck....and you use SNPs to establish Fetal Fraction.

Go troll on your own board.