Natera expansion to cover LU


Do you believe that Natera is expanding because they are going to be incentivize to promote PH1 genetic testing and the LU team will be reduced in size by 2/3rds? The reminding LU BAEs will be notified when there is a positive PH1 patient to follow up with the HCP. Why does the company need 16 BAEs when there are less than a dozen SFs?

Do you believe that Natera is expanding because they are going to be incentivize to promote PH1 genetic testing and the LU team will be reduced in size by 2/3rds? The reminding LU BAEs will be notified when there is a positive PH1 patient to follow up with the HCP. Why does the company need 16 BAEs when there are less than a dozen SFs?

Interesting. Two BAEs are leaving after the New Year so we will see if the spots are backfilled.

Do you believe that Natera is expanding because they are going to be incentivize to promote PH1 genetic testing and the LU team will be reduced in size by 2/3rds? The reminding LU BAEs will be notified when there is a positive PH1 patient to follow up with the HCP. Why does the company need 16 BAEs when there are less than a dozen SFs?

Sad but it could be true. Natera Labs does sell a Nephrology panel that covers PH1. This would save the company money.

Now that the two "rare diseases" units are being merged, this makes sense.There are so many unhappy Givlaari and Oxlumo reps that many will leave and it is doubtful that the positions will be back-filled.The company could have a rep fly into an open territory to cover the Ultra Rare Oxlumo SF.The Pediatric Nephs and Ped Uros know about Oxlumo and where to find Alnylam.Unless the company plans to have constant realignments to cover collapsed or vacant territories?
The company has made it clear that TTR is where all of the money is going to go.The company does not want all of the non-TTR HCPs using AA to screen their patients.They can use Natera and it's broad Neph genetics panel.Natera can notify Alnylam whenever they find a positive PH1 patient.

And the same vacant territory continues to have PH1 patients? And one BAE is getting credit? There are experts that receive the referrals and the rest of the country continues to underperform. Not really. Just confirms that the disease is ultra rare.