
Does anybody know anything about the Nashville opening? How large are the territories?

If this is a genuine enquiry, we have around 70 territories spread around the USA. We have 12 managers/directors reporting to the Chief Commercial Officer, Pat. We target the top decile pain management offices/hospitals in each territory. So each territory is geographically large but with a concentration on cities. As we're an opioid deterrent company our business is concentrated in demographically deprived areas. I'm female so this can be threatening and uncomfortable. Other pain management reps are also heavily targeted to the same docs so competition is stiff. Our current products, Sprix and Oxyado have fallen well short of commercial expectations. The recently approved Arymo ER will be launched soon however fell well short on our expected label but may still do well.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for the honest answer! Sometimes those are hard to find on cafepharma. What is the typical base pay with somebody with experience?

If this is a genuine enquiry, we have around 70 territories spread around the USA. We have 12 managers/directors reporting to the Chief Commercial Officer, Pat. We target the top decile pain management offices/hospitals in each territory. So each territory is geographically large but with a concentration on cities. As we're an opioid deterrent company our business is concentrated in demographically deprived areas. I'm female so this can be threatening and uncomfortable. Other pain management reps are also heavily targeted to the same docs so competition is stiff. Our current products, Sprix and Oxyado have fallen well short of commercial expectations. The recently approved Arymo ER will be launched soon however fell well short on our expected label but may still do well.

Hope that helps.

The recruiter said she “just got some news” that she is waiting to hear an update on. She pushed our interview to later in the week. Any idea what that was all about?

Probably gonna lay us all off. I've been ready for it since Arymo got its shitty label. My advice to you, steer clear from this territory. I've known both Nashville reps prior to the vacancies. You will never live up to the expectations they have for that city. Not saying you are bad or anything but they have fired reps from that territory for performance because of the volume they expect from there. The RBD is nice but has no backbone. He lets upper management walk all over him which means he won't go to war for his reps.

The recruiter said she “just got some news” that she is waiting to hear an update on. She pushed our interview to later in the week. Any idea what that was all about?

you didn't get the anti deterrent label. Another MS Contin. Thank you for keeping my Tox company in business. You are all drug dealers and your killing people. Karma is a bitch. We don't need anymore pain pills on the market. U will all get yours. PharmaReps are whores.

No I'm not, I've only been with one man who is now my husband. I'm a saint.

you didn't get the anti deterrent label. Another MS Contin. Thank you for keeping my Tox company in business. You are all drug dealers and your killing people. Karma is a bitch. We don't need anymore pain pills on the market. U will all get yours. PharmaReps are whores.