Nasdaq Letter of Delisting Stock

The stock is only currently .39 cents a share and virtually worthless! Yes it will be de-listed here shortly. If you got stock options they are at just about zero worthless! I just had a recruiter contact me about the Seattle job. They tried to rope me in by saying they were offering g a signing bonus of 1000 shares of stock. Thats worth $390.00 woopie!

At POA people were talking about a reverse split to keep to prevent a delisting. What great news! My stock is going to be more worthless. As BS said believe in this leadership team. What a joke! Look what they have done so far.
We still have not received the IC agreement with less than 2 weeks remaining in the quarter. GR probably lied again about payout amounts and is trying to figure out a way cover up his BS. I have never seen such incompetence.

I heard they are just going to issue us IOU slips for our earned bonus to be paid out if we are still in business next year!

Don't laugh. Covidian did this in the past when they had cash flow problems. In the end they owed some people upwards of 40,000 after a year. What they did is lay the people off that they owed a lot of money to and didn't pay them the bonus money. They claimed the incentive plans were never finalized therefore they didn't have to pay.

A friend of mine just quit when the bonus she was owed was about 30,000. They put off paying back bonus for a year. She got tired of waiting and had a good job offer. She cut her losses. Eventually Covidian only paid out a small fraction of the bonus they owed to existing employees. They readjusted the incentive plan to justify it. Later they cut salaries of employees. I think this is where Akebia is headed.

39 cents sounds incredible at this point. How embarrassing

The stock is only currently .39 cents a share and virtually worthless! Yes it will be de-listed here shortly. If you got stock options they are at just about zero worthless! I just had a recruiter contact me about the Seattle job. They tried to rope me in by saying they were offering g a signing bonus of 1000 shares of stock. Thats worth $390.00 woopie!

24 cents. Bunch of losers.remaining reps given fake promotions. How can you be an accountant manager with nothing to sell? Akebia continues to be the joke of the industry.Peace out lying Graham. No more fleecing the company to pay for drinks and golf during work hours.

25 cents. How pathetic! Sales force will not hit expectations again.

Fake promotions will not help when they are unemployed in a few months. Shame on the cowards who continue to perpetuate the lies. And F Graham that lying scumbag. Karma is a bitch