

TZ is in a full blown meltdown over sales. Running this company into the ground. No worries however-counting the number of sample signatures will turn this dermacant ship around! Great strategy.

Today is a work day. Does not matter if you have to pack , prepare children while you are away, get a sitter for cats and dogs, and have a 2 hour drive to the airport. We must work. They must go to meetings and analyze our data.
John is looking at activity reports now seeing who got 4 signatures today and who is on the Gotcha list. I'm sure the folks with 6 or more signatures will be highlighted on stage as amazing.

When are we being bought ???

Dear Fred,

Thanks for holding back your tears at the meeting and only getting teared up. Definitely a plus.

You need to look at the balance sheets and make some adjustments.
Yacht - $286,000 a definite NO
Should have went toward really bad commission structure.

Upcoming raises- if you think 2% to 4% is going to keep your sales force - NO. . Maybe not have another meeting until 2025 and cut DL costume outfit budget in half to $60,000 from $120,000.

Just a few suggestions from another #s geek with a real sense of budget .

Dear Fred,

Thanks for holding back your tears at the meeting and only getting teared up. Definitely a plus.

You need to look at the balance sheets and make some adjustments.
Yacht - $286,000 a definite NO
Should have went toward really bad commission structure.

Upcoming raises- if you think 2% to 4% is going to keep your sales force - NO. . Maybe not have another meeting until 2025 and cut DL costume outfit budget in half to $60,000 from $120,000.

Just a few suggestions from another #s geek with a real sense of budget .
Then go to the company giving more than 2% to 4% raises, geek.

No raises this year for Dermavant TBM’s. shitty IC plan
20 employees laid off
Several territory vacancies and growing daily
no sign of ever selling
Only getting paid on nrx

sound like a white glove?

Todd and his Ego need to go.
Fred needs to end his statistical analysis that fit into his prefixed outcomes.
Why are SAMs in offices ? Doctors know where to send the drug. They need to spend time in RX only or go away.
Going to be a great week of Spin this week. No raises but spend more at StarBucks and Krogers.

Fred says No Raises for the sales force. Okay. But the audacity to say to the DMs it's no big deal is sickening. Then F--- your BS contests you want us to work for, is that money No Big Deal. A couple hundred dollars means alot to others Fred. Maybe not you in your 5.6 Million dollar Arizona Estate.

Dear Fred,

Thanks for holding back your tears at the meeting and only getting teared up. Definitely a plus.

You need to look at the balance sheets and make some adjustments.
Yacht - $286,000 a definite NO
Should have went toward really bad commission structure.

Upcoming raises- if you think 2% to 4% is going to keep your sales force - NO. . Maybe not have another meeting until 2025 and cut DL costume outfit budget in half to $60,000 from $120,000.

Just a few suggestions from another #s geek with a real sense of budget .