Napoleon Has Left the Building!


Heard the little guy (SP) resigned and went to Sherman Abrams. Wow what an utter failure hire by BH. Went hard after shady ex-VP from Shiel, now has egg of his face. Guess BH isn't a god after all!

so what happend?

No payola at LC baby! Without a $10m+ IT budget to pay off clients he couldn't get business. Sherman Abrams doesn't have $1m to give him let alone $10m. Just another poser trying to play with the big boys and got exposed. He now gets to steal money from a crappy lab that is desperate!

No payola at LC baby! Without a $10m+ IT budget to pay off clients he couldn't get business. Sherman Abrams doesn't have $1m to give him let alone $10m. Just another poser trying to play with the big boys and got exposed. He now gets to steal money from a crappy lab that is desperate!

Amazing what happens with a level playing field.

These two deserve each other.

No payola at LC baby! Without a $10m+ IT budget to pay off clients he couldn't get business. Sherman Abrams doesn't have $1m to give him let alone $10m. Just another poser trying to play with the big boys and got exposed. He now gets to steal money from a crappy lab that is desperate!

Alfred E.Newman attempting to build a lab using his pay to play business model, not with SA.