Names and price paid for purchases by Lilly


Can some one count the names of companies that Lilly has purchased in last 10 years. Sorry for a daunting task to name them. But veteran posters may know them than this nymph.

SGX ($400M)
Hypnion ($400M)
ImClone ($6800M)
Alnera ($300M)
Metabolox ($900M)?

SGX ($400M)
Hypnion ($400M)
ImClone ($6800M)
Alnera ($300M)
Metabolox ($900M)

Applied Molecular Evolution($400M) (2003)
ICOS ($2.3B) (2007)

So far we are over $11B .... and we are not even finished yet.

SGX ($400M)
Hypnion ($400M)
ImClone ($6800M)
Alnera ($300M)
Metabolox ($900M)

Applied Molecular Evolution($400M) (2003)
ICOS ($2.3B) (2007)

So far we are over $11B .... and we are not even finished yet.

Who were the kingpins who advised for these purchases? Are they still with Lilly? Are there any employees from these companies serving as FTE at Lilly? Thanks for proactive response.

How many spotlight points is it worth?

Apparently some of us don't work for free anymore.

I would suggest hiring a first-rate consultant.

Please respond to for more information. We offer services on a sliding fee schedule based on ability to pay. Your firm qualifies for a "survival discount."