Name of VP of Sales

You'r all a POS, since WHI Women's Health has imploded, there will be no opportunities for you in this market. Face it, Pharm is dead. It's declining market is -3%. Some of you embarrass your own company, cuz you don't work, and just act like it, lie cheat and steal. Fre_ks

You'r all a POS, since WHI Women's Health has imploded, there will be no opportunities for you in this market. Face it, Pharm is dead. It's declining market is -3%. Some of you embarrass your own company, cuz you don't work, and just act like it, lie cheat and steal. Fre_ks

We ALL feel that way about management. Liars, Cheaters, Thiefs, lazy, dont work on many days... Yep thats management at Barr/TEVA.

So they got rid of Amy, only 3 years too late. She not only drove the bus off the mountain but hit every rock and tree along the way. I can only hope that Ed is gone soon. He is such a tool, I can not believe he has not been fired yet. I was told that during the last POA the ABD was telling the sales force to make your goal for Ed. Why would anyone want to help Ed save his job when he gave no vision, no tools and was one of the worst VP's ever. I wish everyone left good luck and please get off this sinking ship asap.