N Cal, Wash, Ore Openings

Pro tip for anyone laid off from this region or others: Send your phone back with all the inappropriate text messages intact. Give IT something to read
I don’t think anyone in my region was laid off, but if they were, I’d love to be a fly on the wall. Still don’t think HR would do anything about it tho

This Region is a total dumpster fire

Hill is at it again with his hiring practices that nailed Axsome a lawsuit with his Oregon position. New mom interviewing was asked inappropriate questions about being “100% sure she wanted to come back to work” and also if she felt like this new baby would affect her job performance. Could of told ya Axsome this guy will eventually show his colors

Hill is at it again with his hiring practices that nailed Axsome a lawsuit with his Oregon position. New mom interviewing was asked inappropriate questions about being “100% sure she wanted to come back to work” and also if she felt like this new baby would affect her job performance. Could of told ya Axsome this guy will eventually show his colors
These are the reasons HR has to take what's posted here seriously. Its not one person with a Vendetta. This is a group of concerned people who really want what's best for the Pharma industry. If you let this Hill character anywhere near your employees, or potential employess, he's going to get you involved in expensive litigation that will cost you millions in payouts.

If you work for this guy ,or are thinking about interviewing with this person, seriously think about recording everything! That way you'll have the evidence for HR, or an employment attorney so you can seek justice for Hills illegal and discriminatory practices. Nobody should get away with this. You think he would have learned by now. Its not his first company he's getting sued.

Hill is at it again with his hiring practices that nailed Axsome a lawsuit with his Oregon position. New mom interviewing was asked inappropriate questions about being “100% sure she wanted to come back to work” and also if she felt like this new baby would affect her job performance. Could of told ya Axsome this guy will eventually show his colors
Let's add this to his discrimination lawsuits. Let's see one for minorities , a few for women over 40, and now pregnant women. Oh wow how can you let this go on. Can him!

These are the reasons HR has to take what's posted here seriously. Its not one person with a Vendetta. This is a group of concerned people who really want what's best for the Pharma industry. If you let this Hill character anywhere near your employees, or potential employess, he's going to get you involved in expensive litigation that will cost you millions in payouts.

If you work for this guy ,or are thinking about interviewing with this person, seriously think about recording everything! That way you'll have the evidence for HR, or an employment attorney so you can seek justice for Hills illegal and discriminatory practices. Nobody should get away with this. You think he would have learned by now. Its not his first company he's getting sued.
I'm applying for one of these jobs. I'm very qualified so I may get an interview. I'm recording everything. Maybe he will say something stupid again. I could cash out with a large settlement against the company. I can believe a major company would hire a Bozo like this Hill character!

This is a serious post. Im really looking to post for the Tacoma wa position. I just need to know if Brady is still the manager. I have experience in psychiatry and neuroscience. I will not post if he is still the manager. His linkedin profile states he's still the manager. Whats up is he still at this company? I just don't want to interview with him or work for him. It's a deal killer.

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