Myrbetriq vs. Vesicare--difference?


I'm interviewing for a specialty position selling Myrbetriq & Vesicare--I know the MOA is different, but all indications are the same. How do you differentiate/position these to doctors?
Specific patient types or treatment scenarios? Any help would be appreciated!

Seriously? I mean really? This is how bad this industry has gotten... that some idiot would ask a question like this to the sales community to prepare for an interview to sell for this company - that just cuts it! We have no credibillity anymore for a reason.. Whoever wrote this question ..... You are that reason. pathetic

I'm interviewing for a specialty position selling Myrbetriq & Vesicare--I know the MOA is different, but all indications are the same. How do you differentiate/position these to doctors?
Specific patient types or treatment scenarios? Any help would be appreciated!

Good god we are now interviewing clinical idiots!!!!!

I have sold more than 20 drugs and have almost 25 years of experience. It was a simple question, and I thought I would get a civilized response. I'm spending hours preparing for this interview. I've been laid off, and have been trying to find a job in a bad economy with LOTS of laid off pharmaceutical reps. I have three kids--two in college, one heading to college, so I need to find a good job. Being in this position--laid off and trying hard to find a job--I would never ridicule someone trying to prepare for an interview.

I have sold more than 20 drugs and have almost 25 years of experience. It was a simple question, and I thought I would get a civilized response. I'm spending hours preparing for this interview. I've been laid off, and have been trying to find a job in a bad economy with LOTS of laid off pharmaceutical reps. I have three kids--two in college, one heading to college, so I need to find a good job. Being in this position--laid off and trying hard to find a job--I would never ridicule someone trying to prepare for an interview.

25 years experience and your asking a dumbass question like you did... alid off..whatever - you should be ashamed. How unprofessional. Like I said - you are what is wrong with this industry. How could you have 25 years and not know how to navigate this area of an interview. Boooo Hisssss

I read both package inserts, went to both product websites and googled the question. Not working for the company, there is really no other way to research a drug. I'm trying to figure out what you're so angry about....

Seriously? I mean really? This is how bad this industry has gotten... that some idiot would ask a question like this to the sales community to prepare for an interview to sell for this company - that just cuts it! We have no credibillity anymore for a reason.. Whoever wrote this question ..... You are that reason. pathetic

If you didn't get your silly training and web ex information as an employee, you probably wouldn't be able to answer this question either. If I had to guess you are a piss ant/pion PCP rep who hasn't sold SHIT, and sits on the coat tails of your specialty rep. Once in awhile you get to actually speak an intelligent sentence, but those are few and far between. Most of your day is spent sitting at a window looking at a fat receptionist in a PCP office waiting for your signature. This person asked a worthy question about how we as a company differntiate the two products in our marketing/sales approach, and it was a good question to gain any internal insight. Go pick up a box of Joe and a dozen donuts you worthless piss ant!!!

If you didn't get your silly training and web ex information as an employee, you probably wouldn't be able to answer this question either. If I had to guess you are a piss ant/pion PCP rep who hasn't sold SHIT, and sits on the coat tails of your specialty rep. Once in awhile you get to actually speak an intelligent sentence, but those are few and far between. Most of your day is spent sitting at a window looking at a fat receptionist in a PCP office waiting for your signature. This person asked a worthy question about how we as a company differntiate the two products in our marketing/sales approach, and it was a good question to gain any internal insight. Go pick up a box of Joe and a dozen donuts you worthless piss ant!!!

If it's such a good question why didn't you answer it?

If you didn't get your silly training and web ex information as an employee, you probably wouldn't be able to answer this question either. If I had to guess you are a piss ant/pion PCP rep who hasn't sold SHIT, and sits on the coat tails of your specialty rep. Once in awhile you get to actually speak an intelligent sentence, but those are few and far between. Most of your day is spent sitting at a window looking at a fat receptionist in a PCP office waiting for your signature. This person asked a worthy question about how we as a company differntiate the two products in our marketing/sales approach, and it was a good question to gain any internal insight. Go pick up a box of Joe and a dozen donuts you worthless piss ant!!!

Blow me bitch! You are dead wrong as I am sure you would be if you even attempted to answer little Susie's interview question on MOA/positioning. You belong where she's at. You are both the reason our industry has no credibility - I hope you have big titties so you can sell something -sometime

Blow me bitch! You are dead wrong as I am sure you would be if you even attempted to answer little Susie's interview question on MOA/positioning. You belong where she's at. You are both the reason our industry has no credibility - I hope you have big titties so you can sell something -sometime

Couldn't agree more. I was going to write the same thing you did and I was just observing this interaction. But I second it. Blow Him Bitch! Snotty-nosed rep

25 year rep: you are seeing the kind if people they are hiring here- immature for sure. As a former rep- I left before newer drug . , but really good company.. I moved away so had to quit- my favorite company. Downside: lots of brown nosing, politics, favoritism. I was a summit winner several times and still treats like an outsider. They do hire a mix of experience and newbies. That's how they keep costs down-they 40k a year rep above is mad b/c he found out others in his district make. $70k.. Vesicare awesome drug/ good efficacy, low side effects ( dry mouth , constipation) I would just google for launch info other drug.. It should tell you why it's different- or fo to a pharmacy - ask pharmacist difference. Good luck., most of he people I trained with are still at Astellas. 9 years later do its a good gig
Good luck and get prepared for major star questions!

Thanks for your feedback--I appreciate your comments. I am amazed at the bitter, unhappy people using the anonymity of cafepharma to hurl insults and spew negativity. Kind of pathetic.

Sorry about typos- ignore immature jerk above.. He is bitter he makes 40k..( they pay you based on years Exp) he is obviously new, entitled, may be on a PIP. Lots of ex-Pfizer folks in upper mgmt now- so not as cool when I left.. Overall a great gig still according to my ex colleagues still there.Great hotels at meetings/ own room.. As PCP I averaged 130K with bonus and kickers- they pay for performance- I also got great stock each year at performance review- Jspanese very involved with APUS.. 4.5 day work weeks-

Vesicare and Myrbetriq both work on smooth muscle...
Vesicare exerts its activity during elimination and eases the muscle contractions...
Myrbetriq works at the beginning of the "fill cycle" and allows for more urine to enter, easily, without an Immediate urge to "go." Hope that helps. Different receptor sites. Different metabolic pathways.

I'm beginning treatment with myrbetriq I took vesicare it did work for me but I had to cat to empty. Post surgical injury 10 months...I still had leaking and contractions. My understanding is exactly that of the last comment. Myrbetriq is life changing and way to expensive most insurance companies cover neither drug. ..

Vesicare and Myrbetriq both work on smooth muscle...
Vesicare exerts its activity during elimination and eases the muscle contractions...
Myrbetriq works at the beginning of the "fill cycle" and allows for more urine to enter, easily, without an Immediate urge to "go." Hope that helps. Different receptor sites. Different metabolic pathways.
Thanks! I'm a retired DSM from Roche and have a daughter who just started working for your company and had the same question as to the differences in the two medications. The reps that posted unhelpful snotty answers to a simple but good questions are an example of unhappy bone headed clods. I'm sorry those people are employed by your company. It is rather frightening to hear such comments from customer service oriented sales reps. My advice to your company is hire people who have a proven track record and can verify their success by W-2s not faked rankings, performance review and totally insane STAR interview questions. Just a little advice - any robot can answer STAR interview questions. You know you are a horrible manager and interviewer if you have to ask a person whose been in the industry for a number of years STAR formatted questions

Thanks! I'm a retired DSM from Roche and have a daughter who just started working for your company and had the same question as to the differences in the two medications. The reps that posted unhelpful snotty answers to a simple but good questions are an example of unhappy bone headed clods. I'm sorry those people are employed by your company. It is rather frightening to hear such comments from customer service oriented sales reps. My advice to your company is hire people who have a proven track record and can verify their success by W-2s not faked rankings, performance review and totally insane STAR interview questions. Just a little advice - any robot can answer STAR interview questions. You know you are a horrible manager and interviewer if you have to ask a person whose been in the industry for a number of years STAR formatted questions

Right on. I wish you were still a manager.

Thanks! I'm a retired DSM from Roche and have a daughter who just started working for your company and had the same question as to the differences in the two medications. The reps that posted unhelpful snotty answers to a simple but good questions are an example of unhappy bone headed clods. I'm sorry those people are employed by your company. It is rather frightening to hear such comments from customer service oriented sales reps. My advice to your company is hire people who have a proven track record and can verify their success by W-2s not faked rankings, performance review and totally insane STAR interview questions. Just a little advice - any robot can answer STAR interview questions. You know you are a horrible manager and interviewer if you have to ask a person whose been in the industry for a number of years STAR formatted questions

while you may be genuine, 99.9% of posters with questions like OP are troll 3rd party vendors, researching for wall street or worse, competitors...they are looking for competitive sell information. Tell your daughter if she is thinking these question, make a connection and have a real conversation. This thread is for the dumpster sifters