No future updates to MyCall per our Port 2 teleconference what's next?
Marketing is said to be looking at other options...
Marketing is said to be looking at other options...
iPads baby they are piloting some with s3 s so word is we are getting them next year. Prob after lay offs
"What software program is next?" Are you freakin' kidding me. Who gives a shit? The ship is sinking and you're worried about the next bullshit software package.
You may get the latest toy but the job is getting more shitty every day. The managers are insane. So what if you are carrying a spanking new iPad with the latest App followed by a crazy-eyed, drooling in the mouth manager into a doctor's office to raise havoc?
OMG! I am so glad I got out of Merck- It has been the best 1.5 years- Just wish I could get all my wasted time that I spent there back!
The managers at Merck are freakin idiots- Thank goodness the real world doesn't function like Merck- I am thankful every morning that I get to do my new job without some "crazy-eyed, drooling in the mouth manager" following me around all day pissing all my customers off!!!!
I have been out slightly more than a year now. I laugh to myself whenever I think about my former manager modeling how to sell or the way he highlighted himself at meetings, particularly when directors were in the room. It is now such a distant memory and an alien world to me.
Congratulations on pulling yourself up out of this muck.
It was not easy. The money was the attraction. I had enough years vested and was able to have a decent pension. But walking away required a lot of prayer and soul searching before I pulled the trigger. Before the ink was dried, Merck sent a letter saying, "Dear Retiree". Now I never hear from them except paying for my health care benefits. One day you are a special person, then you are, well, a retiree. My advice: don't take this job too seriously.
Wasted time is need to get out of this insane asylum to realize just how bizarre it has become...OMG! I am so glad I got out of Merck- It has been the best 1.5 years- Just wish I could get all my wasted time that I spent there back!
The managers at Merck are freakin idiots- Thank goodness the real world doesn't function like Merck- I am thankful every morning that I get to do my new job without some "crazy-eyed, drooling in the mouth manager" following me around all day pissing all my customers off!!!!
Wasted time is need to get out of this insane asylum to realize just how bizarre it has become...
Bad post...NCM is gone, now mycall is gone what next! Many reps from the old school sat around waiting for NCM to die or be killed when the tide turned and it only took less than 3 years and several changes at the top! Now its easy to hear anal compulsive DCO's at S2 meetings talk about reach and frequency when they swore 2 years ago that we'd never hear that term again at Merck. Old bad habits never really die at Merck no matter what great things we think we heard or how progressive we appear to be! We even saw a reach and frequency slide for the first time in over 2 they say in the old joke the partys' over, back on your heads...Bob McMahon had a great he gets to tell it to 'Barney Frank' and Nancy Pelosi, what a reward for being a good Merckie!