all these "salaries" everyone is talking about are for 1 or 2 years. How can it even be called a salary. It is a check every two weeks for a very short time. What a joke the whole mess really is.

Unemployment is more rewarding than a contract job. It lasts longer if needed, and is a sure thing. Our jobs here are short, degrading, humiliating, and pay like shit.

Here's the deal , they do try to low ball you and it is degrading ,but if you need work take it, i understand exactly how you feel, it;s a double edge sword because depending how other employers look at it it ends up being the starting wage you negotiate with. I find that it is very few managers and copmpanies that have intergrity to try pay you within a range of what you are worth, it's all about how cheap they can get you..

Seriously? Unemployment pays dick. Take the $58k and like it.

There is no respect or job satisfaction with contract. Since the day I took this piece of shit job I have been mocked. It sucks at best. Unemployment would allow me the time to look for a real job. Well of course that is all I do all day anyways.