Fake till you make it! classic sales technique! Look, we're not operating heavy equipment, flying airplanes or even directing traffic...Here's what we do in a few easy steps.
1. Wake up, dress professionally, head out to offices with some sample and few pieces of literature.
2. Walk into office, greet recpt., ask to go back and 'check samples'.
3. Toss a few samples on shelf in sample closest.. Stand in the 'designated' rep area..ask staff how day is going..wait some more, wait, see doc pass by, wait some more..finally greet doc with a confident voice, ask how day is going, mention your product's name and insert question some question / comment about it..get 5 second reply, then most importantly Signature!..
3. Walk out, let recpt. know your done.
4. Head to next office, repeat.
2 years of questions? maybe 2 hours at most would have made you a pro..Like the flirting! that's a big plus with docs, DMs....way to go!