My manager


I love my Wisconsin protégée watching rolls of fat ooze over bra strap, and shirt sucked into fat folds, bouncing along to a nice tune, with a smiling woman that weighs two tons is just too contradictory. It’s repulsive, she should be in a bag dress so no one has to look at her rolls of fat . This cannot be doing Japroducts any good, just lets us know our brands is sorely lacking in talent in the advertising department. what else is it lacking?


I love my Wisconsin protégée watching rolls of fat ooze over bra strap, and shirt sucked into fat folds, bouncing along to a nice tune, with a smiling woman that weighs two tons is just too contradictory. It’s repulsive, she should be in a bag dress so no one has to look at her rolls of fat . This cannot be doing Japroducts any good, just lets us know our brands is sorely lacking in talent in the advertising department. what else is it lacking?
leave her alone-when she was born-the deacon at her church was spoon fed the calf brains from the outside