My Dogs Piss..............


Castle is a profound mess..........Every aspect of this place is a joke...........
Nothing works......Interface- Testing -Specimen handling -Billing -Procedures-
I wouldn't send My Dogs Piss to that wreck of a so called lab........
I can't wait till the axe drops. Whistleblowers have contacted OIG and
they will be auditing Castle for Tox/DNA Medicare fraud.........
The type of business and marketing "Direct Bill" practices Castle upholds
is not only raping the's raping the insurance companies...


JM, you should do a better job hiding yourself. Dog, really??

I'm am not JM...I am another displeased ex-rep who is having to deal with the aftermath
of Castle in some of my accounts that I swithched to another lab after getting fired.....
The billing department is completley inadequate and the invoices patients are getting
are absurd....I have seen them first hand....Not to mention the false negative and false positive lab reports being approved and faxed out............A person in the lab has
confirmed the dog is my BFF.........
