Mutual Arbitration and Class Waiver Agreement

No class action, so you are on your own. No punitive damages - so Pfizer can knowingly make you work in an asbestos laden office, for instance, and force you to prove it affected you. Reduced ability to gather information for your case through disclosure. No respect for employees, despite all the false claims and hypocrisy.
The new Pfizer slogan? "You're Mine!"

Probably laid off hundreds of class action lawyers saving millions and scaring employees out of filing class action law suits saving billions. Ian's got to find another way to increase profit since Allergan fell through.

Not looking like this "Agreement" is getting much response. Probably b/c Pfz doesn't give a rats ass about their employees, no surprise. Pfz just wants to save money and their reputation at any cost. Doesn't really matter if you sign or not, "Agreement" still goes into effect!
What a great company....

"agreement" presented in this fashion constitutes duress so says my attorney. i will challenge this.... you will know my name. whose zoomin who.... you will remember my name. pfe, i will continue beating you at your own game.

Is it safe to assume this "Pfizer get out of jail free" card is company wide?

Yep, company wide. Look, this saves the corporation a lot of money. Every Republican would tell you that's a beautiful thing.

Don't you wonder what is coming next that they decided they had to put this arbitration/class waiver in place. You know something big must be coming..............

You just have to laugh, the way that moron Hill tried to position it as beneficial to the employee and the company. Like I would trust anything this company does, especially when they tell me its to my benefit...

I know personally of one federal lawsuit that Pfizer lost due to epic stupidity by NYC HR. Why would you fire somebody for cause when you don't have a single piece of evidence that supports it. Duh!!!! They paid out a lot of money on that one.

Don't you wonder what is coming next that they decided they had to put this arbitration/class waiver in place. You know something big must be coming..............

Here's my guess - once all the pensions are frozen, Pfizer will sell the entire pension fund to an insurance company fast. That way they are totally out of the pension business but we'll be at the mercy of the insurance company. And remember, there are no federal protections on an annuity from an insurance company like there are on pensions.

Here's my guess - once all the pensions are frozen, Pfizer will sell the entire pension fund to an insurance company fast. That way they are totally out of the pension business but we'll be at the mercy of the insurance company. And remember, there are no federal protections on an annuity from an insurance company like there are on pensions.
Bingo. Gets Pfizer off the hook for hundreds of millions in contingent liabilities passing the pension on to another entity. This is what all the airlines did to boost their stock price to get bought out or merge. All that comes off the books and it's much easier. Now that we can't do any inversion deals this is plan B

Bingo. Gets Pfizer off the hook for hundreds of millions in contingent liabilities passing the pension on to another entity. This is what all the airlines did to boost their stock price to get bought out or merge. All that comes off the books and it's much easier. Now that we can't do any inversion deals this is plan B

this is why i always screw pfe before she screws me. and, i'm screwing her hard now.

The whole thing is so sad. Pfizer, like most large corporations, mostly serves the C-suite now. They vote themselves raises and bonuses and try to make deals that only enrich themselves. When Ian Read talks about maximizing shareholder investment - he means himself and his cronies. What about the rest of us? Pfizer doesn't want to pay taxes even though it gets a large chunk of it's revenue from the federal and state governments through medicare and medicaid. Pfizer now matches my 401k every 3 months not every other week as in the past. Ian, however, will walk away with approximately $400,000 per month in retirement income. (Read A Tale of Two Retirements). One solution - stop giving money to the Pfizer PAC so they can stop bribing our politicians to allow them to do things that serve only their own interests.