Is it safe to assume this "Pfizer get out of jail free" card is company wide?
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Don't you wonder what is coming next that they decided they had to put this arbitration/class waiver in place. You know something big must be coming..............
Bingo. Gets Pfizer off the hook for hundreds of millions in contingent liabilities passing the pension on to another entity. This is what all the airlines did to boost their stock price to get bought out or merge. All that comes off the books and it's much easier. Now that we can't do any inversion deals this is plan BHere's my guess - once all the pensions are frozen, Pfizer will sell the entire pension fund to an insurance company fast. That way they are totally out of the pension business but we'll be at the mercy of the insurance company. And remember, there are no federal protections on an annuity from an insurance company like there are on pensions.
Bingo. Gets Pfizer off the hook for hundreds of millions in contingent liabilities passing the pension on to another entity. This is what all the airlines did to boost their stock price to get bought out or merge. All that comes off the books and it's much easier. Now that we can't do any inversion deals this is plan B