Musculoskeletal Sales Rep

Can someone please tell me what products a primary care rep. in the musculoskeletal division represents? I would appreciate sincere responses only. Thank you!

Why the bloody H#LL are you asking for serious responses on here??? Don't you have enough brains to either go ask a real rep in your area or your doctor??? All wannabees and newbies should quickly learn CP is of absolutely no value with the truth. Don't ask stupid questions on here---what kind of car??? what products??? What benefits??? Good grief. Either find out yourself and get yourself an interview or get a different job. Grow up. Don't you think if you're good enough to get the job, stupid questions are not legitimate??

Why the bloody H#LL are you asking for serious responses on here??? Don't you have enough brains to either go ask a real rep in your area or your doctor??? All wannabees and newbies should quickly learn CP is of absolutely no value with the truth. Don't ask stupid questions on here---what kind of car??? what products??? What benefits??? Good grief. Either find out yourself and get yourself an interview or get a different job. Grow up. Don't you think if you're good enough to get the job, stupid questions are not legitimate??

The above post is the BEST on this site for a long, long time! Stupid questions like that make readers wonder if corporate Lilly even has anyone available to answer those questions for the wannabees and newbies. I am beginning to think that is the problem.

I am a retiree, and trying to get an honest answer from Express Scripts is dang near impossible....yet corporate Lilly simply cannot seem to do anything about's like Lilly works for Express Scripts instead of the other way around.