Can someone please tell me what products a primary care rep. in the musculoskeletal division represents? I would appreciate sincere responses only. Thank you!
Can someone please tell me what products a primary care rep. in the musculoskeletal division represents? I would appreciate sincere responses only. Thank you!
Can someone please tell me what products a primary care rep. in the musculoskeletal division represents? I would appreciate sincere responses only. Thank you!
Why the bloody H#LL are you asking for serious responses on here??? Don't you have enough brains to either go ask a real rep in your area or your doctor??? All wannabees and newbies should quickly learn CP is of absolutely no value with the truth. Don't ask stupid questions on here---what kind of car??? what products??? What benefits??? Good grief. Either find out yourself and get yourself an interview or get a different job. Grow up. Don't you think if you're good enough to get the job, stupid questions are not legitimate??