Here's the quandry ... there is a simple way to increase market share.
Cut price. Works well, especially if your competitors are unwilling or unable to match your price breaks.
But if they do, all you do is reduce revenue. Sure sucks to increase your market share but make less profit at the end of all of it. And sometimes we fight for market share when we should be fighting for PROFITABLE business. Let your competitor shmuck deal with the low volume, wants "best price" and high-maintenance customer. I'd rather deal with the guy who respects a decent price, expects good service, but isn't as demanding as some little guy who thinks he's Mass General Hospital instead of Dr. Podunk's MRI Emporium.
Assuming that the production costs of the product (MRI contrast, widgets, whatever) are not able to be significantly reduced, then the company has to reduce other costs ... advertising, promotion, FIELD SALARIES, administrative costs (home office) ... and my bet is that the reductions come pretty well in that order.