Depends on which team.

Acthar HP: cult-like zombies that live in their own worlds

Hospital (former Cadence): locked out of everywhere because the company screwed them with huge price increase

Others: ineffectual and invisible

Overall: NO.

Absolutely NOT! The MSL's as a whole are useless and need to be held more accountable for their geographies. The idiot who does the hiring clearly is a fool and keeps hiring poorly qualified candidates.


I would not trust the Mallinckrodt original MSLs because they were led by a jerk and he turned them into scientific sales reps.

The others are too weird for words.

You are clearly an IDIOT!!

Did that hit a little close to home, you useless drug info robot? Your MSLs have the worst reputation in the industry! Being hired by Mallinckrodt is a last-ditch position before someone has to return to the lab, counting pills behind the retail counter or playing doc-in-a-box. Get the hell over it.

The Acthar zombies follow the pig hormone cult. The others follow managers who are morons and are here because MNK could hire them cheaply and they had nowhere else to go.

Just ask DM how many places he has been in the past five years.

You are clearly a r*****. Go back to dropping samples RepBot. Oh wait. your likely an OSS who will be gone soon so good riddance.

Not a rep you MSLtard. No wonder you don't do a damned thing. You don't KNOW a damned thing.

Must suck to be a Malignantkrotch MSL--pig hormones, opioids nobody is buying and a hospital product going generic before it even pays for itself.