
What a Freaking joke these meetings were. What happened to this division? Leadership is pathetic and not respected. All they do is recognize the most annoying, fake, big mouth, ass kissing, two faced reps. Many of these ass kissers never make their quota. Top performers are never recognized in this division among their peers, its sickening & demotivating. Then these idiots wonder why all their top talent performers leave this shit hole. This division will continue to spiral downward and be non-existent in the MS space. " So let it be written, so let it be done".


What a Freaking joke these meetings were. What happened to this division? Leadership is pathetic and not respected. All they do is recognize the most annoying, fake, big mouth, ass kissing, two faced reps. Many of these ass kissers never make their quota. Top performers are never recognized in this division among their peers, its sickening & demotivating. Then these idiots wonder why all their top talent performers leave this shit hole. This division will continue to spiral downward and be non-existent in the MS space. " So let it be written, so let it be done".

Matt’s a winner

What a Freaking joke these meetings were. What happened to this division? Leadership is pathetic and not respected. All they do is recognize the most annoying, fake, big mouth, ass kissing, two faced reps. Many of these ass kissers never make their quota. Top performers are never recognized in this division among their peers, its sickening & demotivating. Then these idiots wonder why all their top talent performers leave this shit hole. This division will continue to spiral downward and be non-existent in the MS space. " So let it be written, so let it be done".

Couldn’t help but respond to this post. First, I retired from the industry about 3 years ago with over 35 years of pharma sales rep experience. I have never worked at Biogen.

I have told MANY people throughout my career that if you want to survive in most companies you better learn how to play the damn game, and play it well. Countless times I have seen ass kissers get lower quotas, undeserved praise, and higher raises even though they seldom if ever meet quota. This is how you survive these days. Management loves kool-aid drinkers and undying enthusiasm for their craziness! Learn to play the game, and you will likely fair better in your career.

Our region was with the Pittsburgh region and we vote J.W. a.k.a. Jules! When everyone had to introduce themselves first thing she said was "I'm a Golden Ticket winner". Really? Show some humility. Had to give her opinion on everything ( who cares ?) and its quite obvious and well known that she is the managers favorite in that region, which does not bode well for the other TBM's. We thought we had it bad with P.L. but she " takes the cake"!

As a former long term Biogen employee the toxicity manipulation and narcissism that is rampant in much of the MS division is heartbreaking . Biogen was a great and honorable company . Today everyone is out for themselves. They don’t care about the many toxic RDs with HR complaints and nothing happens . People who kiss ass are non compliant and never achieve goals get promoted . Toxic RDs Todd, Mark , Karen and many more that should never ever manage people.

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