MRK paid Rick Perry to mandate HPV vaccine


Republicans keep voting for party members to raise the costs of gov't. Perry with HPV and bush with Medicare D. Enough of the big gov't republicans.

It's time for Ron Paul.

Then you should be equally disgusted by all the contributions all politicians have received from various groups, Democrats and Republicans. Don't be selectively indignant.

Then you should be equally disgusted by all the contributions all politicians have received from various groups, Democrats and Republicans. Don't be selectively indignant.

Everyone should be more vigilant of big gov't and big pharma conspiring to effect peoples health mandating stuff without big risks. Whether it be Obamacare or PerryHPVBushcare

so who comes off looking worse?merck?or perry? I say merck. can't look good to have a big drug company lobby/ pay for a gov. manadate on thier drug. did all the texas vaccine reps get big bonuses or was it a "windfalll"?

so who comes off looking worse?merck?or perry? I say merck. can't look good to have a big drug company lobby/ pay for a gov. manadate on thier drug. did all the texas vaccine reps get big bonuses or was it a "windfalll"?

It was embarrassing to see customers for days after this news broke a few years ago. This is not the Merck I began with but it is the Merck I will probably end with. Merck was not destroyed by terrorists from outside- it was an inside job done slowly. It was formerly the most respected company. Looking at Merck today you would never know that. This Perry-Gardasil thing is only one item on a long list.

So if Rick Perry is offended he can be bought off for $5,000 then what is his price? Merkettes, any answers?

Very sad. I thought the same thing. What about Oblama and his fake green company that "needed" to start or sorry....end a company with 500 million tax payers moneis? They are all corrupt.

What is really frustrating is all the money that is going in under the table is either tax dollar money or money that could be used to KEEP people employed at Merck. Where was the policy exam for this individual? (Mike Toomey). The working hard peoples are getting screwed from the right and the left!!!
We need a vaccine to protect us and our money from these GI-NORMOUS tape worms!!

I think it's great that Merck supported my favorite candidate to lead our great nation. Hopefully when he's elected, he'll take care of Merck. Maybe pass a law that will help us increase market size.

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