MRK Hunger Games: Catching Fire


Well it's time again to reflect on how Merck DCOs have been orchestrating their own Hunger Games for years.

Previous "game" winners (CTLs) coach Tributes (reps) how to stab each other (especially SP reps) in the back one by one to survive (win VP Award or avoid layoff).All the while the president (DCO) has already decided who will win based on what will play best on govt controlled media cameras (favoritism at differentiation time-not on sales results).


In my experience the differentiation process is not perfect but much fairer than any other company. It's one reason why Merck is still a leading company.

If you disagree schering rep then leave.

In my experience the differentiation process is not perfect but much fairer than any other company. It's one reason why Merck is still a leading company.

If you disagree schering rep then leave.

Obviously spoken by someone who doesn't have much "experience" at all except for the backwards Merck way.

The Hunger Games brought in more money in 2 days than most Merck products make in a year! Unfortunately Merck is now the blockbuster flop of the pharmaceutical world, flushing millions of $s down a rat hole while producing the equivalent of one John Carter and Cut Throat Island after another.

The Hunger Games brought in more money in 2 days than most Merck products make in a year! Unfortunately Merck is now the blockbuster flop of the pharmaceutical world, flushing millions of $s down a rat hole while producing the equivalent of one John Carter and Cut Throat Island after another.

I think you need to do some research. The US-listed healthcare industry has a total market cap of $11 trillion. Just a little bit more than you think. There is no comparison.

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