Mr. President, Tear Down This Law.


Many Americans have experienced the ill effects of Obamacare. That’s because the President’s broken promises are piling up. He promised that if you like your health care plan you can keep it. But for millions of Americans, that’s not true.

He said that the law would make health insurance more affordable. But across the country, Americans are seeing their premiums go up, not down. And when launching, the Obama administration said that the website was safe, secure and open for business. We now know that isn’t true, either.

Mr. President, Tear Down This Law.

In the words of the immortal Peter Tosh, "Jah Seh No!" You cannot beat something with nothing, and the wacko Repubs have put forth absolutely nothing. How about Medicare for all, starting when you get your first job and sign up for SS?

As a country, we have fought pirates off the coasts of Morraco and Somalia. Now we need to fight domestic pirates in the corporate board rooms.

I look forward to the Repub party going the way of the South African Apartheid party.
They are not welcome in this country.

Once again, it ain't what you don't know that make you libs so dangerous, it's what you know for sure that just ain't so.

It’s arguably the favorite myth of progressives, the oft-repeated claim that Republicans have no health plan. Hence, President Obama was fully justified in ignoring them and proceeding to enact a comprehensive health reform law on a strict party line vote—something completely unprecedented in American political history.

"I look forward to the Repub party going the way of the South African Apartheid party."

And BTW.... there is one party headed toward extinction and here is a GIANT CLUE, it ain't The Republicans.