Moving onto panel interview.

Must be a miserable person to be on a message board designed to network and offer advice just to act the way you do. But then again that’s why you were laid off and getting replaced…sorry you couldn’t cut it. Maybe ADP will give you an associates role?
Stop being cryptic and asking nonsensical questions. Probably a state-school-graduate idiot rep.

The job will last no more than a year. Its a temporary position. There are layoffs here at least twice a year. As long as you know it's a temp job while you're looking for a career job it's OK. The management sucks. Beware of a manager named TG in the migraine division. He'll make your life miserable. I should know I work for him.

Any advice to help prep? Thanks
Aim for pathological liar and narcissist when answering the STAR questions. Managers know there is an overwhelming amount of BS artists. The job doesn’t require brainpower. It requires pretending to be successful with a soul crushing career. This is where the narcissism comes into play.

This company played a central role in spreading lies, censoring opinions, and doing wrong during the so-called pandemic. They showered themselves with money before, during, and after they tried to force their fake vaccine on the entire world. Then, they are so fucking arrogant, most of them had toxic books published about their evil wrongdoings. Does anyone remember any of this?

Pfizer kills science.

While you snub your long, pointed, stupid hat wearing noses at me for my words, you'll do so knowing that I am 100% correct.

It's time to eat sticky rice and go to the gym. You already know that because you follow me around and watch me out of being a little stupid hat wearer.

This company played a central role in spreading lies, censoring opinions, and doing wrong during the so-called pandemic. They showered themselves with money before, during, and after they tried to force their fake vaccine on the entire world. Then, they are so fucking arrogant, most of them had toxic books published about their evil wrongdoings. Does anyone remember any of this?

Pfizer kills science.

While you snub your long, pointed, stupid hat-wearing nose at me for my words, you'll do so knowing that I am 100% correct.

It's time to eat sticky rice and go to the gym. You already know that because you follow me and watch me out of being a little stupid hat wearer.
How did my interview go? Did I get the job? : )