
Move most likely to Cambridge, the rumor is October of 2018. Trying to finalize plans on renting of a building as we speak. The kicker, no relocation help with the move.....packages will be offered to individuals who choose not to go. Leadership feels this will further reduce headcount with the ultimate goal of selling the company. The rich get richer and the stiffs like us get a nice corn cob in the ass.

SAD! Lot of "fake news" being reported here......No one is losing their jobs and we are staying right here in New Haven. I am going to make Alexion great again.

Best Regards,

Move most likely to Cambridge, the rumor is October of 2018. Trying to finalize plans on renting of a building as we speak. The kicker, no relocation help with the move.....packages will be offered to individuals who choose not to go. Leadership feels this will further reduce headcount with the ultimate goal of selling the company. The rich get richer and the stiffs like us get a nice corn cob in the ass.
Buttered..... and salted!

Definitely not buttered. That would make the act less painful and we all know how much the leadership of this company likes to inflict pain on their numbers....err, I mean employees.

Confirmed. Alexion will be officially moved to Boston in summer of 2018. Moves will start in January of 2018 with R&D moving first. Commercial moving starting in May 2018. Alexion has a cut a deal with state of Connecticut to move early and not pay penalties for tax credits already received.

Confirmed. Alexion will be officially moved to Boston in summer of 2018. Moves will start in January of 2018 with R&D moving first. Commercial moving starting in May 2018. Alexion has a cut a deal with state of Connecticut to move early and not pay penalties for tax credits already received.

Moving commercial makes zero sense, if you stated that they were moving that to Ireland I might have believed you.

Commercial is in CT. Manufacturing is in Ireland and Smithfield. There is a difference between making and selling, distribution, etc folks are missing. A move that size would need to go in several phases just as the move from Cheshire to New Haven did. Not to mention moving the Lexington office as well. This is not far fetched and makes total sense from an Indistry standpoint. Couple with the executives currently really being Boston based in their prior positions. Talent pool in New Haven sucks for R&D as everyone's experience comes from 3 or 4 companies (Bayer, Purdue, BI, cough Pfizer) so there is no diversity in ideas down there.

Ludwig made a phenomenal start with employees by touting his transparency and holding town halls on a monthly basis since joining in late March. It's a disappointment that he copped out from doing a townhall with employees to give this news and chose instead to use a video and avoid "live" questions. He just undid a lot of good will and trust by doing so.

Any large manufacturing plant/corporation in CT will bail. 26mil in pay back is a drop in the hat when your income is a Billion. Thanks Danny boy, you horse azz. btw I don't work for Alexion, just a poor CT tax payer.

Wow. Alexion hoodwinked CT taxpayers. How many clueless folks recently moved closer to New Haven for this house of cards only to now find their jobs are moving out of state? LOL.