Movantik Misery


Shawn- Your teleconference today has me concerned. You said that you did not want us to talk about Movantik until we have taught the HCP about OIC. That could take several calls. I am not going to take 6 months to finally talk about the solution. I give my doctors credit for graduating medical school. I give them credit for knowing how to treat patients. I will be asking for the script on the very first call. And the call after that too. I am truly sorry up front that you are not ok with this.

As far as getting credit for FSIP. MAKE EVERYTHING ZIP TO TERRITORY. What a novel idea! We go in and get the business and then we get credit for it. That is called sales. You have never carried a bag so you can not relate. Most of us PSS's like to sell and get credit. We even like to out perform each other. That is competition. Why you rank us against each other in private meetings but don't design the FSIP to reflect individual effort is crazy! The whole FSIP is designed to create failure because of the grade on the curve thing. No matter how well one does, some will lose for sure. Since you designed it to make failures, then let us have ZIP to territory credit. No more district percentage either. None of us are interested in the District.

Selfish punks like you that think you can drive business are what ruined pharma. Me myself and I. i drive scripts. No team goals. You are a delusional loser who should go back into the basement and wax your bishop.

Selfish punks like you that think you can drive business are what ruined pharma. Me myself and I. i drive scripts. No team goals. You are a delusional loser who should go back into the basement and wax your bishop.

How in the hell is he a delusional loser? AZ is so fu**ed up with their targeting that the only way to give reps credit is by zip to territory. This may not be the case with your territory, but I can guarantee it's the case with most of them. Our STP/call lists are so messed up that it would be a sin to make it any other way. If I have a one target in a office of six, it's crazy that I shouldn't call on another MD because they aren't on my list. This is great for reps that have great access, but come to the Midwest and tell me what you think. In terms of driving business, if you don't think your capable of driving business when you have access--GTFO!!

I agree! That was bizarre strategy about not talking about the drug. uh...I think the doc will wonder why we are here giving lunch with a poster...talking about a side effect of an opiod but not giving a solution...what????? I will also be selling day one...that's what I do and have always done. Stop screwing with the trialist data...make it zip to territory. Oh and still not sure why we need another company stepping in when we have a huge primary sales force that are losing crestor and symbicort next year.

I agree! That was bizarre strategy about not talking about the drug. uh...I think the doc will wonder why we are here giving lunch with a poster...talking about a side effect of an opiod but not giving a solution...what????? I will also be selling day one...that's what I do and have always done. Stop screwing with the trialist data...make it zip to territory. Oh and still not sure why we need another company stepping in when we have a huge primary sales force that are losing crestor and symbicort next year.

They need another company because the huge primary sales force is going to be eliminated. Don't you get it?

The current team from Pub. will be kept for the most part. Some were let go already. There will be no wave 2 for Pub as announced today. The pub gig is only temporary and you should look to get out within a couple of years. Don't go buy a house if you just came on for the Pub position.

I agree! That was bizarre strategy about not talking about the drug. uh...I think the doc will wonder why we are here giving lunch with a poster...talking about a side effect of an opiod but not giving a solution...what????? I will also be selling day one...that's what I do and have always done. Stop screwing with the trialist data...make it zip to territory. Oh and still not sure why we need another company stepping in when we have a huge primary sales force that are losing crestor and symbicort next year.

On the last piece, "why another company?" perhaps because the Primary care sales force is selling crestor and symbi now and Movantik is launching now. If Mov were launching next year then the arugment might be more relevant.

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