Most Favored Nations - GNE disappoints industry


USLT’s sole focus was to drag feet with the U.S. government so that “Most Favored Nations” pricing didn’t take hold in America. Genentech leaders convinced our peers at Big Pharma that Genentech should lead the discussions and that it will prevail. Well, just like the disaster that they have created within Genentech, they have now created a similar disaster for our entire history.

Everything Genentech touches these days turns into an utter disaster. You have opened Pandora’s box and there is bipartisan momentum for MFN. Industry will sue of course and unleash full advocacy around this. Again, too little, too late.

Genentech, please step out of the way. You can’t even manage the internal affairs of your company. You have no place trying to lead in things related the regulation of our industry and drug pricing. You are naive and live in the SF bubble. Please step over and step down. If you don’t, you will continue to jeopardize the entire innovative American drug industry.

- Leadership teams at Pfizer, J&J and Merck
