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More unqualified promos

And the beat goes on. Loser reps that should lose their jobs get promoted. NAMs who don’t work. Ever. And don’t get me started on the Globe
The good news is we get to hear at our national meeting hours of sqwuakjng on how “mistreated” they are and how “privileged” we are because we had dads at home, worked hard on our education, and worked hard on performance. Can’t wait to mute that BS

The good news is we get to hear at our national meeting hours of sqwuakjng on how “mistreated” they are and how “privileged” we are because we had dads at home, worked hard on our education, and worked hard on performance. Can’t wait to mute that BS

Hey Bull Conner! Typical White Privilege stereotype. Believe it or not, there are minorities whose dads were at home, individuals that worked hard on their education, and their performance yet HISTORICALLY get completely overlooked for opportunities. Ever heard of the “The Ole’ Boys Club?” You think minorities have membership? Look, whites have stolen and are in control of EVERYTHING in this country built on slave labor for which you never paid shit yet reaped all of the advantages/privilege. EVERYTHING!!!!! Yet you remain angry with the crumbs others receive. Furthermore, you falsely believe all that you have is because of your “hard work.” Believing that lie and bull$hit helps you cope with the historical and continued inequities and unfairness. You know it’s all a lie but it makes you feel good to continue keeping your foot on “those people’s necks.” Problem is too many folks like you have remained on “mute” when it comes to societal/systemic racism and inequities for hundreds of years. I’m sure you don’t acknowledge it because you’ve convinced yourself of the lie that “hard work” and merit have gotten you the privilege you enjoy. I’m sure you’ll undeservedly continue to reap ALL of the benefits and privileges of your “Complexion for the Protection!”

I’m willing to bet your left tit or your right nut that far more white folks are OVERWHELMINGLY and UNDESERVEDLY in leadership/executive-level roles they aren’t qualified. Not just at Gilead but throughout Corporate America.

The narrative is and will continue to change. Gone will be the days of total white dominance and the ignoring of white denial and privilege. If you don’t like it then leave and go somewhere else. Sound familiar? It’s a new day so ya might as well get used to it or simply...leave.

Hey Bull Conner! Typical White Privilege stereotype. Believe it or not, there are minorities whose dads were at home, individuals that worked hard on their education, and their performance yet HISTORICALLY get completely overlooked for opportunities. Ever heard of the “The Ole’ Boys Club?” You think minorities have membership? Look, whites have stolen and are in control of EVERYTHING in this country built on slave labor for which you never paid shit yet reaped all of the advantages/privilege. EVERYTHING!!!!! Yet you remain angry with the crumbs others receive. Furthermore, you falsely believe all that you have is because of your “hard work.” Believing that lie and bull$hit helps you cope with the historical and continued inequities and unfairness. You know it’s all a lie but it makes you feel good to continue keeping your foot on “those people’s necks.” Problem is too many folks like you have remained on “mute” when it comes to societal/systemic racism and inequities for hundreds of years. I’m sure you don’t acknowledge it because you’ve convinced yourself of the lie that “hard work” and merit have gotten you the privilege you enjoy. I’m sure you’ll undeservedly continue to reap ALL of the benefits and privileges of your “Complexion for the Protection!”
Who hired the unqualified Jessie Jackson? He was so much better singing in the Jackson 5. Let me guess, he’ll be given a “deserved” promotion in 3 months, only to go on disability a month later so we all get to do his work - great!

Who hired the unqualified Jessie Jackson? He was so much better singing in the Jackson 5. Let me guess, he’ll be given a “deserved” promotion in 3 months, only to go on disability a month later so we all get to do his work - great!

Yet another clownish, racist and founded in nothingness rant. Furthermore, it wasn’t even funny as every clown wants to be funny and join a circus. You do realize that Jesse Jackson hasn’t been relevant for well over 20 years, right m? In case you were unaware, there are more Black folks than Jesse and Al Sharpton. I know waaayyyy more White folks that have connived their way to disability and undeserved promotions than the combined group of minorities. Get out of your denial and look no further than the many White people on the Gilead “leadership” team that have no business holding the positions they’ve been “given.” Whites being handed positions they don’t deserve are never debated...only the few crumbs any Black person receives. What’s even more ridiculous is you’ll be the first one shouting you’re not a racist!!!

If any of you clowns read HR reports, you would realize men and women, black and white are well represented at gilead. The only down group is Asians as a fraction and they complain Zero percent. The people in positions hold them for a reason. If you can’t get past skin color then just ask them.