More misguided conervatard thinking


"Dick" (such an appropriate name) Cheney's new book, hyped by the liars at Faux news as an immediate "best seller", again proves why the teabag conservative movement is just plain wrong, in concept and implementation. In this article, the big Dick complains about Bush's bailout for the auto companies, and President Obama increasing the bailout, while at the same time advocating for bailing out the banks. Proving the long held belief that conservatards hate people, but love money.

"Dick" (such an appropriate name) Cheney's new book, hyped by the liars at Faux news as an immediate "best seller", again proves why the teabag conservative movement is just plain wrong, in concept and implementation. In this article, the big Dick complains about Bush's bailout for the auto companies, and President Obama increasing the bailout, while at the same time advocating for bailing out the banks. Proving the long held belief that conservatards hate people, but love money.

Nobody listens to that old fool Cheney anymore - He is just white noise on the radar screen trying to make a few more bucks before his ticker gives out.