more lies from Odummy on privatization

herbie hancock

Dumbass said it again last night. Why do you liberals and your savior keep mouthing that if SS was privatized that all that money would go directly to wall street. If trully privatized it would save retirement for millions of americans who, if smart, are preparing their own nest egg outside SS. You do all realize that if SS is really privatized the individual could do whatever they wanted with that money right? If I chose to put it in the stock market I do so at my own risk, I could put 100% of it in gold and silver, I could put it into a IRA tied to nothing more than a savings account or CD type account through a bank, I could put it into bonds, or just put it in a big box underneath my bed. I hope by now you libs get my point. The money would be yours to invest however you wanted. Will some of you liberals please explain to me why you continue to ignore facts and are against letting people manage their own retirement account. Shit SS wasn't developed to be a retirement account in the first place.

Sorry douchebag I have a life outside message boards. I check in from time to time and last night dipshit said a couple things that really got to me, mainly the SS privatization thing. But I didn't think you would address the issue on privatization because you know it to be true. SS isn't about providing a nestegg for people. It is about one group of people paying for the retirment of another group of people. Same as healthcare, until we admit that is the REAL goal nothing will ever get fixed.

ur the idiot 4 believing a politician

So are you saying Obama is a liar. I don't believe anything from any politician, therefore me calling obama a liar. Got it. So please tell me how the government allowing me to keep MY $$ to invest the way I want to and opt out of SS hurts anyone. If I lose it all I will not go on welfare.

So are you saying Obama is a liar. I don't believe anything from any politician, therefore me calling obama a liar. Got it. So please tell me how the government allowing me to keep MY $$ to invest the way I want to and opt out of SS hurts anyone. If I lose it all I will not go on welfare.

Great. Then take what remains after taxes and other deductions and invest all your money in the stock market. If when you retire the market goes tits up, you can eat out of dumpters and chose which flavor of Friskies Buffet you like. I think there are like, 23 varieties or something.

Great. Then take what remains after taxes and other deductions and invest all your money in the stock market. If when you retire the market goes tits up, you can eat out of dumpters and chose which flavor of Friskies Buffet you like. I think there are like, 23 varieties or something.

Please tell me where privatization means I would HAVE TO INVEST IN THE STOCK MARKET. If it is my money, and it is, I should be able to invest it where I want. It is like the person that was 59 years old that lost everything in the stock market through his 401k. That person is a moron and deserved to lose everything. It was his to manage and at that age probably shouldn't have had more than single digit percent of his wealth in the stock market. However, if I was an idiot and did lose everything in the stock me to the closest dumpster. Difference between liberals and conservatives is we realize there is such a thing as personal responsibility.

So please tell me again why odummy and libs love to blantantly lie about this topic. Also, tell me what is the major problem of an opt out.

So I take it with the crickets on this thread that all you libs out there agree that O'shithead lied last night. I also expect that all you liberals out there will have no issue when the issue of an opt-out or privatization of SS is discussed. Can my assumptions be correct. Or have you all tired trying to support Odummy's lies.