herbie hancock
herbie hancock
Dumbass said it again last night. Why do you liberals and your savior keep mouthing that if SS was privatized that all that money would go directly to wall street. If trully privatized it would save retirement for millions of americans who, if smart, are preparing their own nest egg outside SS. You do all realize that if SS is really privatized the individual could do whatever they wanted with that money right? If I chose to put it in the stock market I do so at my own risk, I could put 100% of it in gold and silver, I could put it into a IRA tied to nothing more than a savings account or CD type account through a bank, I could put it into bonds, or just put it in a big box underneath my bed. I hope by now you libs get my point. The money would be yours to invest however you wanted. Will some of you liberals please explain to me why you continue to ignore facts and are against letting people manage their own retirement account. Shit SS wasn't developed to be a retirement account in the first place.