More layoffs?

I am probably the only rep that is bulletproof. I fear no layoff. I have taken the art of ass kissing to a new level. I have perfected it to art form. While you schlubs are wringing your hands about your jobs, I am sitting by the pool on CP! I am THE biggest screw up in the history of the Company, yet I am loved by all management! What a talent I have! In fact, I am thinking about starting a business called "Slackers Anonymous " where we share best practice and tips on how to screw your company. How much should I charge for an annual membership?

I am probably the only rep that is bulletproof. I fear no layoff. I have taken the art of ass kissing to a new level. I have perfected it to art form. While you schlubs are wringing your hands about your jobs, I am sitting by the pool on CP! I am THE biggest screw up in the history of the Company, yet I am loved by all management! What a talent I have! In fact, I am thinking about starting a business called "Slackers Anonymous " where we share best practice and tips on how to screw your company. How much should I charge for an annual membership?

can you be amusing and boring at the same time? Yes you can

I am probably the only rep that is bulletproof. I fear no layoff. I have taken the art of ass kissing to a new level. I have perfected it to art form. While you schlubs are wringing your hands about your jobs, I am sitting by the pool on CP! I am THE biggest screw up in the history of the Company, yet I am loved by all management! What a talent I have! In fact, I am thinking about starting a business called "Slackers Anonymous " where we share best practice and tips on how to screw your company. How much should I charge for an annual membership?
You are scum and your body is like a cheese