More Gaffes (lies) lies the Naval Academy Address


Can we start a tally of public appearances where Dementia Joe doesn’t embarrass himself. I’ll wait for the first example. I get it, all public speakers make mistakes. But, this dementia patient he can’t get though a single event without appearing confused ant best, and incoherent at worst. I know the libs of pharma aren’t bothered by it, but the rest of the country is.


Can we start a tally of public appearances where Dementia Joe doesn’t embarrass himself. I’ll wait for the first example. I get it, all public speakers make mistakes. But, this dementia patient he can’t get though a single event without appearing confused ant best, and incoherent at worst. I know the libs of pharma aren’t bothered by it, but the rest of the country is.

How about this?
GOP and Trump release this photo saying the crowd at the Brooklyn rally was 25,000.
Trump’s team had acquired a permit for an event for 3,500 people.

Now take a look at the overhead photo taken from an ABC news helicopter while Trump was speaking - its available on the int\erner. Does it look like 25,000 people? LOL. Actual estimates are between 800 and 1000.



Really? That’s what you’re worried about. Good grief, we’re doomed. A dementia patient as POTUS…no problem. Exaggerate a crowd size…lib tears falling.

A slight exxageration is one thing, but 25 to 1? That's carnival barker stuff.
And when you try that on a tax form, it's called lying and quite another thing.
BTW, POTUS is not a patient and Trump is not a prisoner - yet.