More challenged votes verified - where is Libs?


The only way Rethuglicans keep “winning” is because they cheat or attempt to. I live in Arizona and after millions spent on an illegal recount by the “cyber ninjas” they found that Biden actually won this state by more votes than originally thought. But crickets from the election deniers after that fact is uncovered. Wake up people!! Our democracy and freedom is at risk. VOTE D or die!!!!

The only way Rethuglicans keep “winning” is because they cheat or attempt to. I live in Arizona and after millions spent on an illegal recount by the “cyber ninjas” they found that Biden actually won this state by more votes than originally thought. But crickets from the election deniers after that fact is uncovered. Wake up people!! Our democracy and freedom is at risk. VOTE D or die!!!!

Here's some news in from AZ about their Senate race and the Donnie Boy's endorsement:

For the second day this week, Republicans are canceling their independent expenditures in campaign contests that they thought they could win but are now seen as complete losses. The news began Wednesday with the announcement Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was canceling a $10 million ad-buy in Arizona that was supposed to help tech billionaire Blake Masters win against well-liked Sen. Mark Kelly.

Republican J.R. Majewski claimed he served in combat in Afghanistan, even going so far as to make up anecdotes that he changed the political leanings of a colleague while in Afghanistan. In another case he described going without a shower for 40 days due to the "tough" conditions in Afghanistan.

Majewski was a Donald Trump-endorsed candidate, with the former president 'Bone Spurs' saying, "J.R. bravely served in the U.S. Air Force."

That brave service only included loading planes for six months in Qatar.