Morale is horrible here!


Leadership please understand that without sales people, this will not be a viable company. Our morale here is horrible, we can tell by all of these CP posts. Please make a change, we need a leadership change in the way of support and respect, and raises and hey maybe lets bring back the rewards like OC Tanner? Just a thought. We could be market leaders across all TA's if our morale was better. Wake up, lets make the company better again!!!!!!!!!!!

Leadership please understand that without sales people, this will not be a viable company. Our morale here is horrible, we can tell by all of these CP posts. Please make a change, we need a leadership change in the way of support and respect, and raises and hey maybe lets bring back the rewards like OC Tanner? Just a thought. We could be market leaders across all TA's if our morale was better. Wake up, lets make the company better again!!!!!!!!!!!

Very clear that this person doesn't understand or keep up with changes in the industry. Sales will be completely obsolete from pharmaceuticals in the next decade.

Leadership please understand that without sales people, this will not be a viable company. Our morale here is horrible, we can tell by all of these CP posts. Please make a change, we need a leadership change in the way of support and respect, and raises and hey maybe lets bring back the rewards like OC Tanner? Just a thought. We could be market leaders across all TA's if our morale was better. Wake up, lets make the company better again!!!!!!!!!!!

Move on!!!! Don’t let the door hit you in your fucking ass!!!!!

Leadership please understand that without sales people, this will not be a viable company. Our morale here is horrible, we can tell by all of these CP posts. Please make a change, we need a leadership change in the way of support and respect, and raises and hey maybe lets bring back the rewards like OC Tanner? Just a thought. We could be market leaders across all TA's if our morale was better. Wake up, lets make the company better again!!!!!!!!!!!
The biggest contributors to the morale problem is lower management... DSM and CBD level. Higher ups rely on what those clowns tell them and place a lot of emphasis on the pulse surveys. Leaders are clueless with what the clowns are doing on the ground level.

The biggest contributors to the morale problem is lower management... DSM and CBD level. Higher ups rely on what those clowns tell them and place a lot of emphasis on the pulse surveys. Leaders are clueless with what the clowns are doing on the ground level.

My take: CBD's and DSM's take their direction from the top. If Rude Ruud is being a douche (IE: another Tilton) then those under him will act accordingly. It is all about appearances and CYA.

Leadership please understand that without sales people, this will not be a viable company. Our morale here is horrible, we can tell by all of these CP posts. Please make a change, we need a leadership change in the way of support and respect, and raises and hey maybe lets bring back the rewards like OC Tanner? Just a thought. We could be market leaders across all TA's if our morale was better. Wake up, lets make the company better again!!!!!!!!!!!


Without salespeople this will not be a viable organization? The all day liars are a drag on the company, not an asset. A good senior management team would can all of you and use contract forces to drop samples (wait, get siggies for samples) and and promo literature. The offices would appreciate it and sales would improve. So would earnings.


Without salespeople this will not be a viable organization? The all day liars are a drag on the company, not an asset. A good senior management team would can all of you and use contract forces to drop samples (wait, get siggies for samples) and and promo literature. The offices would appreciate it and sales would improve. So would earnings.

100% agree. Amazing how they don't see it coming. And it's coming fast.

My take: CBD's and DSM's take their direction from the top. If Rude Ruud is being a douche (IE: another Tilton) then those under him will act accordingly. It is all about appearances and CYA.

OMG Tilton. Now there was the ultimate example of the little man syndrome playing out. He was someone who should never have been placed in a leadership position where he could abuse people for his own entertainment. His years as NSD was the beginning of the end for sales morale and many of his henchmen remain in power. They may have wised up and marched his ass out the door but the damage he began continues.

Grow up! Morale is awful? Are you shitting me? This is a part time job with super pay and benefits. So you work with your DM2 days a month. It's better than working in an office having a boss over your shoulder ever two minutes. AZ is NOT your life it's just a job. Play the game and don't take it seriously. Oh by the way have a plan when this great gig ends.

OMG Tilton. Now there was the ultimate example of the little man syndrome playing out. He was someone who should never have been placed in a leadership position where he could abuse people for his own entertainment. His years as NSD was the beginning of the end for sales morale and many of his henchmen remain in power. They may have wised up and marched his ass out the door but the damage he began continues.

Some of his disciples are still here.... Any guess at who they are?

Grow up! Morale is awful? Are you shitting me? This is a part time job with super pay and benefits. So you work with your DM2 days a month. It's better than working in an office having a boss over your shoulder ever two minutes. AZ is NOT your life it's just a job. Play the game and don't take it seriously. Oh by the way have a plan when this great gig ends.

I agree. I can't understand the constant complaints about this job. Folks that's all it is a JOB. You want to "make a difference" become a social worker. I support my family well enjoy brainless work have all day freedom and work with my DM only about twice a month. For god sakes...quit your bitchin and enjoy could be digging ditches.

Retired DM here. So many of you just don't get it. Why complain and have low morale. This is just a job when I worked here I knew most policies and so called strategies are bullshit. But I made significant money and had great freedom. I don't care how "satisfying" this job is. I got my satisfaction OUTSIDE of this shit hole. Instead of complaining give your DM what they want. They want metrics fine give it to them. They want spreadsheets or other paperwork do it during the day on their time. Have your paperwork in on time and accurate as hell. Make it easy for the DM. During field days with the DM act motivated and enthusiastic as possible. Talk business the entire time in the car. If you can't bullshit your manager you are NOT a salesman. Just give them what they want don't be an asshole and follow the corporate bullshit. If you need more job satisfaction LEAVE.
I hope this advice helps.

Leadership please understand that without sales people, this will not be a viable company. Our morale here is horrible, we can tell by all of these CP posts. Please make a change, we need a leadership change in the way of support and respect, and raises and hey maybe lets bring back the rewards like OC Tanner? Just a thought. We could be market leaders across all TA's if our morale was better. Wake up, lets make the company better again!!!!!!!!!!!

What exactly is it that you do? Does ANY office see you anymore, well, unless you are feeding the staff?