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Moral Bankruptcy Of Radical Liberal Positions

Bubble Burster

I find it fascinating that left-wingers can almost never argue the validity of their positions on the merits.

Like little children, liberals have a limited attention span, which explains why they post so many threads along the lines of "[insert conservative name] is a(n) [insert offensive epithet here]".

Take a look at the posts on this board. Rather than logically arguing the benefits of their positions, left wingers usually go immediately into attack mode. When confronted with a conservative who insists on fact-based dialogue, liberals will:

1. Abandon the thread.
2. Call the other guy a scoundrel, then abandon the thread.

There are two reasons why left-wingers don't discuss the validity of their positions:

1. Their positions have no validity.
2. Liberals are unable to explain their positions.

Rational, adj. Devoid of all delusions save those of observation, experience, and reflection. - Ambrose Bierce

I find it fascinating that left-wingers can almost never argue the validity of their positions on the merits.

Like little children, liberals have a limited attention span, which explains why they post so many threads along the lines of "[insert conservative name] is a(n) [insert offensive epithet here]".

Take a look at the posts on this board. Rather than logically arguing the benefits of their positions, left wingers usually go immediately into attack mode. When confronted with a conservative who insists on fact-based dialogue, liberals will:

1. Abandon the thread.
2. Call the other guy a scoundrel, then abandon the thread.

There are two reasons why left-wingers don't discuss the validity of their positions:

1. Their positions have no validity.
2. Liberals are unable to explain their positions.

:::buck, buck, buck:::

Ya know, i disagree with you on most of the issues. i even find some of your posts dowright silly BUT i give you credit for one thing, unlike other righties on CP, i have never seen any bigotry, or hatred toward any race or religion from you.

I find it fascinating that left-wingers can almost never argue the validity of their positions on the merits.

Like little children, liberals have a limited attention span, which explains why they post so many threads along the lines of "[insert conservative name] is a(n) [insert offensive epithet here]".

Take a look at the posts on this board. Rather than logically arguing the benefits of their positions, left wingers usually go immediately into attack mode. When confronted with a conservative who insists on fact-based dialogue, liberals will:

1. Abandon the thread.
2. Call the other guy a scoundrel, then abandon the thread.

There are two reasons why left-wingers don't discuss the validity of their positions:

1. Their positions have no validity.
2. Liberals are unable to explain their positions.

Both sides do it. (the conservatard meme)

Ya know, i disagree with you on most of the issues. i even find some of your posts dowright silly BUT i give you credit for one thing, unlike other righties on CP, i have never seen any bigotry, or hatred toward any race or religion from you.

Two observations as regards to the OP on this one . . .

1. Much, if not all, of what he accuses 'liberal' posters of doing, the ConCLowns here do the exact same thing.

2. The 'rating' on this thread was obviously self tagged by the OP as I know you or NPM would not give him any sort of 'rating'.

The OP suffers from an terminal case of hypocrisy and his delusional reach for attention has grown to epic proportions. (Witness the first two responses to this thread being his own).

The OP has gone stark raving mad . . . He is like a carfire on the side of the road, you have to slow down just to take a look.

Two observations as regards to the OP on this one . . .

1. Much, if not all, of what he accuses 'liberal' posters of doing, the ConCLowns here do the exact same thing.

2. The 'rating' on this thread was obviously self tagged by the OP as I know you or NPM would not give him any sort of 'rating'.

The OP suffers from an terminal case of hypocrisy and his delusional reach for attention has grown to epic proportions. (Witness the first two responses to this thread being his own).

The OP has gone stark raving mad . . . He is like a carfire on the side of the road, you have to slow down just to take a look.

You pissed because I went through. And changed all of the ratings you put up?

We pretty much predicted your response. You are a typical childish liberal...you can't take personal responsibility for you own behavior.

I find it fascinating that left-wingers can almost never argue the validity of their positions on the merits.

Like little children, liberals have a limited attention span, which explains why they post so many threads along the lines of "[insert conservative name] is a(n) [insert offensive epithet here]".

Take a look at the posts on this board. Rather than logically arguing the benefits of their positions, left wingers usually go immediately into attack mode. When confronted with a conservative who insists on fact-based dialogue, liberals will:

1. Abandon the thread.
2. Call the other guy a scoundrel, then abandon the thread.

There are two reasons why left-wingers don't discuss the validity of their positions:

1. Their positions have no validity.
2. Liberals are unable to explain their positions.

You are a RINO and a libtard.