
Damn, you are fricken obsessed with this aren't you? Tell me something, do you dream about this at night, wake up ruminating over it like a cow on its cud, bore your friends and relatives with this Montvale mantra shit? I gotta tell ya, I think you've gone over the edge. Heres some ideas for you, when you are bored, which is apparently a whole hell of a lot of the time. 1. Run around the block. 2. Sit quietly and do not bother anyone with your constant chatter for an entire day. 3. Go volunteer at a homeless shelter. Once you force yourself to go, volunteer to take out the garbage, clean the toilets and do the dishes, all with a big assed smile on your face. 4. Run around the block every day that you feel the urge to utter the word Montvale. 5. If you ever so much as even utter this word again, consider yourself positively a whack and go get help.6. Run around the block and stay off the boards, forever dude.

Umm a Dude, the deal is that snerdly up there has not just asked A question. Yea Dude, like shit for brains has been all over this site with the same question. Got it? Don't go probin, when you are clueless and frankly my guess is, that the headcase is YOU, smokin a big fattie there, trying to distract yourself. In you alterned state, it slipped your brain, that in fact, it is YOu askin the same stupid assed questions. Sober up.