
I never thought I'd say this but I think I would be lucky to make $140k next yr w/ this endo-mechanical/energy/whatever you want to call it position they just created. What an effing mess

This is the first year, out of seven, that I'll miss my number. Fucked up thing is that I can find no evidence, other than our Cognos "reports", that I've lost any business. I'm definitely not growing it like years past, but it doesn't add up. I'm not saying that leadership is cooking the books to pay sales less, but when I see all the nickel and dime bullshit with expense reports and other cost cutting measures, I have to wonder.

One thing is for sure, I've made less money every year for the past 3, despite putting up some solid numbers. Guess this is the new reality at Covidien.

If you are unhappy with what you are being paid, don't settle. There is a big world outside of Covidien, you should seek a better opportunity and not waste your time and energy bitching on cafe pharma about it. Management is in denial and won't read this and all of a sudden admit this year was a disaster. We are one of the lowest paid sales forces in the industry, just a fact.

If they are questioning your expense reports.. then get out.. that means you have the Bullseye on your back...

Just about everyone I know has been audited over the last year and we all still have jobs. It's more a function of "saving to the number" than looking for dirt. If it came down to it, I'm sure I have violated at least one of thousands of rules we are forced to sign acknowledge on Compliancewire. Anyone of us could be shown to the door, anytime.