Money Magazine: Labcorp top ten Best Employers


Money Magazine in their latest issue announced something LabCorp employees already knew. It was named one of the ten best healthcare companies to work for.

Sure there are going to be employees that would disagree but bottom line is that LabCorp provides decent wages, great healthcare and an overall nice working enviroment.

Congratulations to everyone.

Money Magazine in their latest issue announced something LabCorp employees already knew. It was named one of the ten best healthcare companies to work for.

Sure there are going to be employees that would disagree but bottom line is that LabCorp provides decent wages, great healthcare and an overall nice working enviroment.

Congratulations to everyone.

My God, you are the biggest idiot I have ever heard of.

Are you in the second grade?

Let me explain how that "rating" system works -

Money can buy "Money Magazine"
That's how it gets done, you panty waste.

Money Magazine in their latest issue announced something LabCorp employees already knew. It was named one of the ten best healthcare companies to work for.

Sure there are going to be employees that would disagree but bottom line is that LabCorp provides decent wages, great healthcare and an overall nice working enviroment.

Congratulations to everyone.

Fiction at its best!

Money Magazine in their latest issue announced something LabCorp employees already knew. It was named one of the ten best healthcare companies to work for.

Sure there are going to be employees that would disagree but bottom line is that LabCorp provides decent wages, great healthcare and an overall nice working enviroment.

Congratulations to everyone.

Can there be any doubt that this was written by a corporate flunky? LCA employees know a lot of things, but LCA being one of the top ten healthcare companies is definitely not one of them. I like the "...are going to be employees that would disagree..." comment. Isn't it funny how employees that stand up to the corporate nitwits, or other management-types are usually labeled as "disgruntled?" Of course, there's no chance that any employee could possibly have any valid complaints, concerns, suggestions, ideas or input that imply intelligence, common sense or pragmatism. If you dare question the status quo, then you are targeted and eventually shown the door, literally.

I would like to know which divisions have the decent wages. It's sure not my division. Everyone, except management, in my division goes further and further into the economic hole because the raises(and I use the term facetiously) that we get are so small that they are easily overwhelmed by the increased healthcare costs. Then when you add that in with increases in property taxes, school taxes, utility bills, gas, etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum, well those so-called "decent" wages are revealed for they really are... a mockery of the employee. Oh, and while we are at it... I am so tired of the higher ups propagating the "you should be thankful that you have a job" mentality. Really? You don't think that I am thankful? Guess what? I am thankful in ways you could never imagine or understand. Guess what? YOU should be thankful that I and my fellow employees show up everyday and put up with your bull****. YOU should be thankful that the whole employee base doesn't walk out the damn door. However, we have something that you don't... self-respect and pride. Those are two concepts that you will NEVER be able to grasp. I digress...

Healthcare? Really, great healthcare? You must be at the top of the food chain in the company, because down here at the bottom, we are paying extremely high premiums and deductibles and then have to spend hours arguing, repeatedly with our insurer to pay for routine COVERED expenses, much less anything that may require more than a bandaid. Please don't presume to lecture everyone on the quality of healthcare available at LCA. You are embarrassing yourself.

This company has gone down the crapper and that is a very mild assessment of the situation. We are bleeding business and no one cares, much less cares enough to even try to do something about it. The people in charge have absolutely no idea what they are in charge of, but they have a nice office, a nice paycheck and a degree on the wall, so they must be smart... right? Right??? There is no utopian employer, no pie-in-the-sky situation, but there was a better LabCorp. It existed up until just a few years ago. At the old LabCorp that I knew, employees mattered... really mattered. Communication wasn't DISCOURAGED... on the contrary it was REQUIRED!!!!! People were treated as people, not chattel. Employees didn't work under the threat of dismissal because there are "lots of people out there that would love to have your job." Once again, employees were encouraged to express their thoughts, ideas, suggestions... good and bad... and someone actually cared enough to listen and thoughtfully consider them. It was fun to come to work because people worked as a team, towards a common goal, i.e. providing quality service and accurate results to our clients and patients. Today's LabCorp... well, they are really proud if they get it right 70% percent of the time, as if that is really something to feel proud of. There's more dead wood in this company now, than in the Mississippi River after a good rain. I am inclined to believe as the 2nd poster stated, that money can buy Money magazine. Either that, or the only people that they interviewed for their article was Dickweed Dave and his cronies. When I first started working here, many years ago, you really had to look long and hard for an employee who wanted to leave. Now, you have to look long and hard for someone who WANTS to stay. Corporate America, isn't it great?

4 complaints from over 15,000 employees. That means there are approximatley 14,996 happy employees.
No one likes to work but if you have to, then LabCorp is the best choice.

4 complaints from over 15,000 employees. That means there are approximatley 14,996 happy employees.
No one likes to work but if you have to, then LabCorp is the best choice.

I agree, been here 25 years. While LabCorp has had problems it still is a very good company to work for. I don't understand all the negativity people have towards the very companies that are providing them with food, shelter. retirement, health benefits and so on. Just a bunch of ungrateful jerks that most likely compain about everything in their life.

Who paid who for this article??? It is such a joke! Just ask all of those laid off, and making pennies for wages. Health care plan is a joke too.... Money mag must be smokin' the rag ...........

4 complaints from over 15,000 employees. That means there are approximatley 14,996 happy employees.
No one likes to work but if you have to, then LabCorp is the best choice.

You must be one of those people that doesn't like to work since you wrote your post at 3:36 in the afternoon. Why are you on Cafepharma instead of doing your job? Is this why you think that "LabCorp is the best choice"? And if you are so happy and knowledgeable about the company you work for, why don't you know that the company has approximately 28,000 employees not 15,000? Maybe you should spend some thime checking out the company website instead of Cafepharma.

I agree, been here 25 years. While LabCorp has had problems it still is a very good company to work for. I don't understand all the negativity people have towards the very companies that are providing them with food, shelter. retirement, health benefits and so on. Just a bunch of ungrateful jerks that most likely compain about everything in their life.

Last time I checked LabCorp was not providing me with food and shelter. Retirement? Please explain LabCorp's retirement plan? Is that the one they discontinued? Health Benefits? Not exactly provided - employees that choose to participate, pay a hefty premium for one of the worst health insurance plans in the industry. Employees receive a salary for the jobs they perform. It is an exchange. LabCorp is not providing anything.

You must be one of those people that doesn't like to work since you wrote your post at 3:36 in the afternoon. Why are you on Cafepharma instead of doing your job? Is this why you think that "LabCorp is the best choice"? And if you are so happy and knowledgeable about the company you work for, why don't you know that the company has approximately 28,000 employees not 15,000? Maybe you should spend some thime checking out the company website instead of Cafepharma.

Oh, hell, I have to chime in after that last post. Since you are so very clock-conscious, can we assume that you are one of those managers who has been given a job because of who you know, and not what you know? Could you be so clock-conscious because you have already sharpened all of your pencils, checked your Facebook account 52 times and sent over 300 emails to friends and family, and NOOOOOWWWWWWW, you are just totally bored out of your gourd because you have no clue what you should be doing, much less how to do it???? Yes, that was a run-on sentence. Thank you. Of course, in that gigantic vacuum in between your ears, it may not have occurred to you that maybe someone is on vacation, or perhaps has the day off, or maybe 4,399 other reasons for posting at 3:36 in the afternoon(that's 15:36 for anyone who is keeping score in military time).

There are so many other points that you could be taken to task for but I will finish with your comment about the company website. You know, if I want the real skinny on LabCorp, I am gonna' run like the wind to their website. I mean, after all, we all know that those warm, loving, fuzzy folks, at Corporate, are all straight-shooters. Burlington is the epicenter for truth, justice and the American way!!!! Oh, please, if you really buy into the tripe on the Company website, then I have some acreage, albeit under water, located off the coast of Nova Scotia, that I would really like to sell you.

LabCorp provides me with an income, it is true. LabCorp has also put me in the hole, for the last several years because of the disparity in their concept of adequate pay increases and "fair" healthcare cost increases. Please, and I am serious, please someone identify for me any employee below management level who has actually profited in the last 3 years. No one in my division has, that's for sure. Healthcare goes up, the retirement plan takes a hit, you're expected to do more, with less people, money and resources. How about all of those who have been RIF'd? Anyone talk to these folks lately? Talk about some real suffering. The sad thing is, is that none of those RIF's were necessary. Corporate is just trying to save some money, to line their pockets and piss on everyone else. As one of the earlier posters stated, not so long ago it would have been very difficult to find someone who wanted to leave LabCorp. Now, how many can you find that would stay, if they had another decent job to go to. S*** rolls downhill, we all know that, but it's been rolling downhill for too long without any credible attempts by the producers of said s**** to stem the flow, and treat employees as people, not numbers. Hell, I know I am pissing in the wind, but if anyone out there really believes that this company has YOUR best interests at heart, well, you need a serious reality check.

Interestingly a former HR SVP wanted to make LabCorp a top 100 employer. She became so frustrated that she transferred out of HR and did several other things before her job was eliminated.

Interestingly a former HR SVP wanted to make LabCorp a top 100 employer. She became so frustrated that she transferred out of HR and did several other things before her job was eliminated.

You are correct. DH was sandbagged into thinking she would get the tools to make it happen. Then the company realized they would have to spend money.

Are you kidding me !

Best company?

Company is in the toilet and being flushed.
techs leaving lab because managment wants them to cut corners on quality and test results
techs refuse and walk out.

Use to be 1 corrected report and everyone was upset. Now they have an acceptable number of corrected reports.

They spend millions on equipment and constantly find excuses to layoff people

When economy turns, this company will be left with the dregs of the employee pool.
Any and everyone of any value will leave.
Ask any employee (if they speak english), would you want your children/friend to get a job at Labcorp. Most will say a resounding NO !

Are you kidding me !

Best company?

Company is in the toilet and being flushed.
techs leaving lab because managment wants them to cut corners on quality and test results
techs refuse and walk out.

Use to be 1 corrected report and everyone was upset. Now they have an acceptable number of corrected reports.

They spend millions on equipment and constantly find excuses to layoff people

When economy turns, this company will be left with the dregs of the employee pool.
Any and everyone of any value will leave.
Ask any employee (if they speak english), would you want your children/friend to get a job at Labcorp. Most will say a resounding NO !

Well put...

Are you kidding me !

Best company?

Company is in the toilet and being flushed.
techs leaving lab because managment wants them to cut corners on quality and test results
techs refuse and walk out.

Use to be 1 corrected report and everyone was upset. Now they have an acceptable number of corrected reports.

They spend millions on equipment and constantly find excuses to layoff people

When economy turns, this company will be left with the dregs of the employee pool.
Any and everyone of any value will leave.
Ask any employee (if they speak english), would you want your children/friend to get a job at Labcorp. Most will say a resounding NO !

Very well put. Having worked in the laboratory, most of the poorly paid employees are Filipino or Spanish. It's no different than working in the crop fields. For these grunts, making $9.50 an hour with a 10 to 17% differential is like winning the lotto. Most don't even have GED's or High School Diplomas. If clients or sales wonder why there are Brother 5 or 7's (its been a while, so I don't quite remember) corrected reports, discarded specimens, cancellations, or the other slew of problems that come from a high-production environment run by complete idiots, that's a good place to start.

Best company is a matter of perspective. McDonald's is on the same list - ask a 17 year old making $8.00 an hour if this makes a company the best to work for...I'm sure they'll agree. Also, it's not just about the compensation. For those of us with talent, education, and experience, we follow Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy. Being well-compensated is important, no doubt, but being a valued and respected employee ranks higher on the pyramid. LabCorp has neither good compensation nor a good organizational culture. Its rotten across the board.

DK isn't educated nor experienced in highly complex financial markets. According to the last financial quarter, LabCorp returned a 26% profit. That's all fine and dandy, but where is the growth? He was only able to squeeze that by RIFing employees and shutting down operations. He even admitted that TOTAL volume fell 2.1%. Eventually the orange is squeezed to the point that it has no juice left. So what does he do to hide the losses that are to come from decreased accessions and low-profit testing? Let's buy Genzyme. Any losses or charges during the forthcoming quarters can be hidden under the guise of "costs of reorganization" due to the acquisition. Who does he think he's fooling? For now, he may have investors duped (Barclay's and Merrill Lynch), but for how long?

Then he has the nerve to tell Wells Fargo that LabCorp can differentiate itself in Anatomic Pathology because they have "specialized pathologists". What a load of crap. I've seen that side of the lab, those slides are stacked so high and there is such a backlog in reading cases that these pathologists are not practicing specialization. Then he revises the 2010 guidance to increase the percentage of return from 2.5% - 4.5% to 4.5% to 5.5%. How can you increase the outlook on your profit guidance when you admit that overall volume is down?Quit feeding me shit, DK. Its starting to taste bad.

Like I said, its a matter of perspective. Ask a grunt employee if its the best - you know the answer. Ask anyone with a brain, they'll give you a different answer.