Money Magazine in their latest issue announced something LabCorp employees already knew. It was named one of the ten best healthcare companies to work for.
Sure there are going to be employees that would disagree but bottom line is that LabCorp provides decent wages, great healthcare and an overall nice working enviroment.
Congratulations to everyone.
Can there be any doubt that this was written by a corporate flunky? LCA employees know a lot of things, but LCA being one of the top ten healthcare companies is definitely not one of them. I like the "...are going to be employees that would disagree..." comment. Isn't it funny how employees that stand up to the corporate nitwits, or other management-types are usually labeled as "disgruntled?" Of course, there's no chance that any employee could possibly have any valid complaints, concerns, suggestions, ideas or input that imply intelligence, common sense or pragmatism. If you dare question the status quo, then you are targeted and eventually shown the door, literally.
I would like to know which divisions have the decent wages. It's sure not my division. Everyone, except management, in my division goes further and further into the economic hole because the raises(and I use the term facetiously) that we get are so small that they are easily overwhelmed by the increased healthcare costs. Then when you add that in with increases in property taxes, school taxes, utility bills, gas, etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum, well those so-called "decent" wages are revealed for they really are... a mockery of the employee. Oh, and while we are at it... I am so tired of the higher ups propagating the "you should be thankful that you have a job" mentality. Really? You don't think that I am thankful? Guess what? I am thankful in ways you could never imagine or understand. Guess what? YOU should be thankful that I and my fellow employees show up everyday and put up with your bull****. YOU should be thankful that the whole employee base doesn't walk out the damn door. However, we have something that you don't... self-respect and pride. Those are two concepts that you will NEVER be able to grasp. I digress...
Healthcare? Really, great healthcare? You must be at the top of the food chain in the company, because down here at the bottom, we are paying extremely high premiums and deductibles and then have to spend hours arguing, repeatedly with our insurer to pay for routine COVERED expenses, much less anything that may require more than a bandaid. Please don't presume to lecture everyone on the quality of healthcare available at LCA. You are embarrassing yourself.
This company has gone down the crapper and that is a very mild assessment of the situation. We are bleeding business and no one cares, much less cares enough to even try to do something about it. The people in charge have absolutely no idea what they are in charge of, but they have a nice office, a nice paycheck and a degree on the wall, so they must be smart... right? Right??? There is no utopian employer, no pie-in-the-sky situation, but there was a better LabCorp. It existed up until just a few years ago. At the old LabCorp that I knew, employees mattered... really mattered. Communication wasn't DISCOURAGED... on the contrary it was REQUIRED!!!!! People were treated as people, not chattel. Employees didn't work under the threat of dismissal because there are "lots of people out there that would love to have your job." Once again, employees were encouraged to express their thoughts, ideas, suggestions... good and bad... and someone actually cared enough to listen and thoughtfully consider them. It was fun to come to work because people worked as a team, towards a common goal, i.e. providing quality service and accurate results to our clients and patients. Today's LabCorp... well, they are really proud if they get it right 70% percent of the time, as if that is really something to feel proud of. There's more dead wood in this company now, than in the Mississippi River after a good rain. I am inclined to believe as the 2nd poster stated, that money can buy Money magazine. Either that, or the only people that they interviewed for their article was Dickweed Dave and his cronies. When I first started working here, many years ago, you really had to look long and hard for an employee who wanted to leave. Now, you have to look long and hard for someone who WANTS to stay. Corporate America, isn't it great?