Momentum Conference Call

So in my district 6 people will be calling 855-589_2278 access code 30260451

Two people are calling 888-636-0779
Confirm ID 30254944

So, it seems that the second is the bad one

What a joke!

In my district they cut half of us and kept people with terrible numbers and let go the highest ranked person in the district for the first quarter.

What in the world did they base their decision on? A quijia board?

And thanks for taking a whole 5 minutes to fire us, Matt.

In my district there was a rep with 3 months in the field and were kept and they axed 3 reps to the north who had a year more of tenure and similar mediocre numbers? What was criteria? Did they look back at 3 months rep territory from last year even if they weren't even an employee last year?

My best guess is that they are no longer looking at market share, quota, or even tenure when they are determining layoffs. I think that they are letting a computer program determine where the "ideal" coverage is and then if anyone ever comes back to say that they were unjustly terminated for any reason the company can just respond with "hey, we just hit run program and that is what happened, so it is nothing that is personal or could be sued over". It is also possible that they don't want the responsibility to determine who stays and who goes (which would require the belief that they are really concerned about the lives they are impacting so insert your own cynicism into that one).

Any way you look at it, good numbers and a history of success do not offer any additional stability or loyalty from a company anymore.

AZ had to fulfill the contracted number of reps for this contract to the parent company. They cut back as many people that they could to stay complient with the with the contract. That's why there is no logical explanation (i.e.: they didn't look at numbers, texture, rep Level info).
Sorry to those who lost their position today.

What a joke!

In my district they cut half of us and kept people with terrible numbers and let go the highest ranked person in the district for the first quarter.

What in the world did they base their decision on? A quijia board?

And thanks for taking a whole 5 minutes to fire us, Matt.

Matt is a forked tongue liar. "We are dedicated to giving what you need" as we are handcuffed the entire contract. We will let you know the day after memorial day who is being laid off... Two weeks later we get the news. Thanx for the worry you caused my family. Trying to be like as you screw people over is always a weak approach.