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Modernization Abortion


So wow is all I can say!!! 185 gone but 70 added but we haven't done the mapping yet? Then how did you come up with the specific number. It certainly isn't your IQ unless you are pooling all the current leadership brains together. Loved the I don't understand the question when the question about all the news and pats on the back over how well the company was doing financially but fewer than 20 teams in the nation are even close to goal. Guess Doug has never heard about trickle down economics!! Companies doing great since they don't intend to pay any IC the remainder of the year. Let's not even talk about silo's. Let's create 5 VP's, a new channel for HS etc. etc. etc. what a cluster. How many more VP's of this that and the other have been announced in the last month or so? We have more VP's than Reps. Let's then drag out the changes over 4 months under the guise of transparency. Mary Ellen is the most employee hostile VP of HR I have ever seen. Let's just stop the lying and the BS. Can we all say "Clueless in New Jersey"? Andy is laughing all the way to the bank.


good for him.

No one is perfect, but he really did care about the field team.
So many people were calling for Andy's head, and well, you got it. But the devil you knew was WAYYYY better than this new Devil. In six months, those same people will be talking about the good ole days when Andy was in charge.