MM from Alzheimer's. Stop being such a kiss ass


I have to agree. He isn't the only one, but he is by far one of the worst. So insincere and just wanting to brown-nose to advance his career. The birthday emails are too much. I swear I know senior leadership loves the kissing-up, but at the same time I wish they wouldn't encourage this type of behavior. So juvenile.
It is also sickening when someone from senior leadership leaves an email and then idiots like this then hit "respond to all." If it isn't bad enough they want to kiss up to the person, but they want the whole company to see it. This industry by far is the most insincere, cut-throat out there. Shame we all have to work with so many back stabbers.

Yes. Why is it that grown ass adults have to act like this? The constant kissing ass is disgusting and so transparent. Everyone sees it. I could list 10 people from the AD side that are just over the top.

You know you are fake ass, kiss up when you "REPLY TO ALL" when a leader leaves the department an email and you have to butter them up by saying how great you think they are blah blah blah while getting your name out to all the other leaders as well. It's truly sickening. So sick of the Happy Birthday messages etc. Go ahead and be a fake ass brown-noser and leave a manager a direct email, but don't make it even sicker by copying everyone on it. Hell even the leaders of this organization know who the kiss-ups are, but they must love it.