Mission rep here I mean soon to be ex Mission/Ventive whatever rep here..Are we having fun yet? Whoever sticks around had better hope Mission gets that BV indication by May or you all are going to be out of a contract. I wish you all the best.
do you think the bv will be a company saver in terms of sales dollars? Just wondering as Ventiv rep, I, by the way, think that you(mission) guys got treated poorly. Granted you still have a job, but to do it on a conf. call with all of the Ventiv reps on there as well, thought it could have been handled better. Good luck. Medreps.com is a pretty good job website, you have to pay maybe $20/yr. but has some really good jobs posted.
Mission rep here I mean soon to be ex Mission/Ventive whatever rep here..Are we having fun yet? Whoever sticks around had better hope Mission gets that BV indication by May or you all are going to be out of a contract. I wish you all the best.
Ok now, how long have you been in pharma sales? Any drug selling well beyond it's cost of capital is dependent on formula coverage. Formulary is the main driver in this business.
of course, but even with great formulary coverage, do you think tindamax will get mission back to where they need/want to be, with only 80-90 reps ? Just wondering if we will ever be mission reps again.
Why in the world would you ever want to be a Mission rep again? Do you realize what went down ? They (Neil) wanted to get rid of all of the reps (fire) back in August but Goby wanted to make sure we had some kind of job. People who have worked for Mission for over 10 years didn't get any special consideration except to lose their vacation time. Please wake up !
Mission is about to be a bye bye for me. This company has the one of the worst I.C plans. Charging reps for samples given out (which comes out your bonus) and other things that comes out your bonus (i.e, parking expenses, fleet car, storage unit, and others). They need to just start all over again. If they were smart they would drop 4 out of the 9 products, save their money, and get better managed care for the products that are working. *Wouldn't that make sense*. Sometimes you need a genius to figure things out (I would assume). Whatever I finally realized why it takes so long to fill certain territories now. (they don't pay).
bye bye..............I am making $$$$$ now thanks to this new plan.........
Then you can't do math - as some one who can there's no way you will make more, not a fucking chance, only a very few territories in the company will pull 120k and they're all medicaid states so not only are all the territories paying for medicaid costs but for their additional 120k in bonus pay. Can you say bend over?
Anyone nervous about their bonus payout Friday?
Mission is about to be a bye bye for me. This company has the one of the worst I.C plans. Charging reps for samples given out (which comes out your bonus) and other things that comes out your bonus (i.e, parking expenses, fleet car, storage unit, and others). They need to just start all over again. If they were smart they would drop 4 out of the 9 products, save their money, and get better managed care for the products that are working. *Wouldn't that make sense*. Sometimes you need a genius to figure things out (I would assume). Whatever I finally realized why it takes so long to fill certain territories now. (they don't pay).
You are so right! It just seemed strange to have to include operating expenses in bonus pay out, but now it makes sense. Maybe I will be a better rep, not caterer or a sample dropper.
Thanks for setting me straight.