Genentech is contracting with another company to do e detailing and sampling etc.
Sneaky ba@tar#s!
All those customers that you worked hard to build built a sales relationship with over the last years are being handed over to them. A Very small percentage went to PDI surge people.
PDI totally misled reps on this one. They made statemnets that that number of call on this contract would be substantial.
Management even sent out memos to reps asking them if they would be willing to take 175 calls a month.
What a crok of sh*@!
They have left the PDI reps with cumbs and the dregs of MDs. PDI has given the store away folks without a wimper.
This is a total stab in the back to the PDI reps and sign of things to come.
It is finally time to say goodbye Mother F***** ers
Sneaky ba@tar#s!
All those customers that you worked hard to build built a sales relationship with over the last years are being handed over to them. A Very small percentage went to PDI surge people.
PDI totally misled reps on this one. They made statemnets that that number of call on this contract would be substantial.
Management even sent out memos to reps asking them if they would be willing to take 175 calls a month.
What a crok of sh*@!
They have left the PDI reps with cumbs and the dregs of MDs. PDI has given the store away folks without a wimper.
This is a total stab in the back to the PDI reps and sign of things to come.
It is finally time to say goodbye Mother F***** ers