Mirum Pharma


Dumpster Fire

Number of medical team have left in a year is alarming
The one who is allowed and enabled to run talent off is not held to any parameters

Sales account managers are going to be leaving in multiples
Leadership forecast based on greed and incompetence
Marketing Brand manager run off by the main stooge Michael Errorman
Lacks any personality and is a narcissist yet doesn't understand why patients in a rare disease have flattened out after launch
Virtual Zoom Role Plays, Weekly Notes, 3 Zoom Calls w managers week, Monthly itineraries to managers, shared spread sheet so leadership can monitor all your accounts, Account plans 3 pages, quarterly business reviews with 8 people on from different roles to pick apart plans, role playing at meetings
leadership constantly blaming field that sales are not where they need to be and need to be at level as launch, Mileage driven by each account manager displayed at Meetings, Call Reporting and Metrics tracked, Company following up with accounts to see of sales has been there according to call reporting and recall of message; if no recall, doom on account manager

Idiots reported to Wall Street 400 patients by end of year on Itchy medicine
Too much greed and ego to walk that number back
Too much idiocy to know the forecast is off
Too dumb to know the market analysis is based on estimates that centers dont know exactly the # of patients because many are double counted or already been transplanted
Ram rodding home a number that will come up short yet imperil the team that is there

Gotta get that stock up - make $$$$
Maybe the pipeline isn't strong
Maybe behind in clinical trials and caught in the dust storm of Albie
Future indications looking dim w revenue cycle

Why does stock need to be pushed up so much and so quickly - Companies core values are To Have Fun, Really and To Speak Up .......No where close to these values
Intimidation, retaliation, bullying, leadership cussing at sales people

All Enabled by the C Suite who will be celebrating financial numbers reporting and "Having Fun" while the rest of the minions are under relentless pressure and scrutiny to achieve a false goal

Dumpster Fire

Number of medical team have left in a year is alarming
The one who is allowed and enabled to run talent off is not held to any parameters

Sales account managers are going to be leaving in multiples
Leadership forecast based on greed and incompetence
Marketing Brand manager run off by the main stooge Michael Errorman
Lacks any personality and is a narcissist yet doesn't understand why patients in a rare disease have flattened out after launch
Virtual Zoom Role Plays, Weekly Notes, 3 Zoom Calls w managers week, Monthly itineraries to managers, shared spread sheet so leadership can monitor all your accounts, Account plans 3 pages, quarterly business reviews with 8 people on from different roles to pick apart plans, role playing at meetings
leadership constantly blaming field that sales are not where they need to be and need to be at level as launch, Mileage driven by each account manager displayed at Meetings, Call Reporting and Metrics tracked, Company following up with accounts to see of sales has been there according to call reporting and recall of message; if no recall, doom on account manager

Idiots reported to Wall Street 400 patients by end of year on Itchy medicine
Too much greed and ego to walk that number back
Too much idiocy to know the forecast is off
Too dumb to know the market analysis is based on estimates that centers dont know exactly the # of patients because many are double counted or already been transplanted
Ram rodding home a number that will come up short yet imperil the team that is there

Gotta get that stock up - make $$$$
Maybe the pipeline isn't strong
Maybe behind in clinical trials and caught in the dust storm of Albie
Future indications looking dim w revenue cycle

Why does stock need to be pushed up so much and so quickly - Companies core values are To Have Fun, Really and To Speak Up .......No where close to these values
Intimidation, retaliation, bullying, leadership cussing at sales people

All Enabled by the C Suite who will be celebrating financial numbers reporting and "Having Fun" while the rest of the minions are under relentless pressure and scrutiny to achieve a false goal


Earnings call will be a blood bath. Leadership has no idea how to launch in epilepsy let alone rare disease. No surprise because they don’t have experience in Epilepsy and don’t ask those that do. We’ll se who’s still here by the end of the year. What a cluster.