Anybody know when and if Mircera will be launched in the US?
Anybody know when and if Mircera will be launched in the US?
Anybody know when and if Mircera will be launched in the US?
Approved years ago by FDA. Roche lost in court. Earliest would be mid 2014 if Roche even decides to pursue this. Nothing has been said publicly in years.
I believe that the legal case preventing Mircera to be sold in the US expires sometime iin the first half of 2014. Wouldn't it make sense to launch it? It could potentially be promoted to dialysis, CKD (pre dialysis) and onc. If a contract could be signed with Fresenius dialysis centers, then it would be well worth it for this market segment.
Are you saying that the patent that we infringed upon expires then?
Mircera will be on the US Market in Mid 2014 and has a great shot at capturing all of the Fresenius
Dialysis business across the US.
Fresenius would love to dump Amgen and Epogen.
When was Mircera launched in the US and who is promoting it?
Is Roche/Genentech planning to launch it?