
If you were displaced is there any way of finding out how much incentive you are projected to make through March. I know the MIR has come out but not to us that sent back our computers ?


we have only received the march DAM. problem is that is uses the new geographies so it isn't a true indication of how your "old" territory did. i had two major changes to my territory where I lost a city and gained another. hard to tell how i did overall without the data of just my previous territory.

I called my former manager and asked him.
He was able to tell me where I was tracking on WPT through 4-26. I know that these numbers don't include mail order, so I have a pretty good idea of where I stand.... Which is actually pretty good!
Fingers crossed for a nice mail order bump... Even though patients couldn't get the products due to shortages....
Tracking over 100% for two products without mail order though. :)

While I don't believe the numbers are an accurate count, I do believe that they are what is reflected in final numbers, before mail order.
My territory had a very steady, and identical, percent growth with mail order and I don't expect that to change now.
I do believe our numbers should be much higher, but I've dealt with the deficit for the last six years... It does no good to stress over the inaccuracies now
Just have to hope that the inaccuracies are enough to stay above 100% and knowing we get a positive bump from mail order, it looks like they will

Im hoping that when the March TAN arrives it has the old territory numbers....it would make no sense to have the new grographies with March numbers....new geography numbers ought to start in May.
Has the March TAN arrived ?

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