Minneapolis Rep

yes he is and I heard that he is no fun to work for! He treats you like you are a pharma rep and expects his team to set up appts for him to see customers instead of letting them tell him when he needs him. I guess he has absolutely no crm experience so what can he bring to the table for the customers except to try to woo them over and all of us know that EP's hate that kind of shit. Luckily I dont work for him and I cant believe Bio has brought him on.

yes he is and I heard that he is no fun to work for! He treats you like you are a pharma rep and expects his team to set up appts for him to see customers instead of letting them tell him when he needs him. I guess he has absolutely no crm experience so what can he bring to the table for the customers except to try to woo them over and all of us know that EP's hate that kind of shit. Luckily I dont work for him and I cant believe Bio has brought him on.

BIO didn't bring him on DS did. They like to wank each others egos. That post is not too far off, or so I hear.

Thats right DS did bring him on. I hear he builds good teams but them micromanages them to death, which is hard to do when EP's are their own breed and he has NO crm experience. He is the best thing for the competition because he will really bring the moral of the team down if he treats him wrong and them we can continue to sell against them. I heard from a doctor that he got upset with him when he wouldnt meet with him. John couldnt believe the physician didnt want to go to dinner. Ep's usually dont like dinner meetings and are not wine and dine kind of physicians. ( at least mine arent)

Isn't this the same guy who ran Fox Hollow sales? Made the interviewees start working for him before he would hire them? Sometimes would have them bring in docs to meet with him and then not hire the person? Some reputation he has built.

Thats right DS did bring him on. I hear he builds good teams but them micromanages them to death, which is hard to do when EP's are their own breed and he has NO crm experience. He is the best thing for the competition because he will really bring the moral of the team down if he treats him wrong and them we can continue to sell against them. I heard from a doctor that he got upset with him when he wouldnt meet with him. John couldnt believe the physician didnt want to go to dinner. Ep's usually dont like dinner meetings and are not wine and dine kind of physicians. ( at least mine arent)

And lets not forget that John was the drunk who flooded Caesars Palace at the last physicians' meeting in September (see other thread titled "Flooding Ceasars"). It looks like Dan is putting together a winning management team!

John was a star, self proclaimed, at CSI and Fox Hollow. Dan brought him in to clean up the team in Midwest. Has he done that? How are his numbers compared to the prior year?

I think your right, I forgot he worked for fox hollow. That kind of says he is a micromanager if he is going to make people work for them before they are even hired and then not hire them. I wonder if he has to approve all email that go out from his reps sent box. Medicine has changed a lot esp device sales and docs dont go to many dinners anymore and are much more in tune with what they accept as far as dinner meetings esp with the new reporting. He probably wont last and hopefully Biotronik will not let it last or I should say maybe they should. The more turnover they have the easier it is to say they are a fly by night company . Bio reps have not always been the most reputable although they have been hiring some good people lately and the devices have a few good features. This is such a marathon in the medical device world and not a sprint although maybe John will run all his reps out which will be fine with us competitors.

It's funny how everyone thinks DS brought John in. He was hired by someone else. People in the know at Bio at least know that.

He is an idiot, and we can hope he will gone soon. He will destroy the MN market and the reputations of the sales team working for him.

The other post described him perfectly: he is an oily douche.

Sure sure blame someone who was ridden out of town. Easy to do. Not one person in a management position remains in the West from when DS started. So I am sure the douche was left behind as a legacy. He brags nonstop about his relationship with DS. He has also made reference to Dan hiring him. So please don't try to blame this on the old man who was pushed out. We all know the truth.

1. Bob should have been gone years ago. Nobody is weeping his retirement.
2. You are dumb enuff to believe anything JB says. He is making up any damn connection he can because he now manages Dans old area. You must work for Bio, because you make up a lot of bullshit with no facts.

Your are either DS tryingto distance yourself from that douche or just dumb. They worked together. A long time ago in MO. They go way back. BM had nothing to do with the hire unless he wrote the contract.

what ever happened to the concept of hiring and promoting based on competencies, experience and a solid track record of performance ?

I know, I'm a naive fool to pose such a low-gain question, but I had to ask nonetheless.